Here is Kevin the
window cleaning business coach talking at the
AUWC East Coast Regional in Rhode Island about "The Hidden Secrets to Rapid, Profitable Revenue Growth" only this time, the full video & in higher quality. Just click on the picture to take you to the 35 minute video. To watch the video you may have to be a member of the
Window Cleaning Resources Forum. If you haven't heard of Kevin, his new book titled "Why everything you think you know is probably totally wrong" has exploded in to the market place & is available by clicking the link here. Or taking up the offer & getting it free by going to the window cleaning resource store below & buying $250 of window cleaning equipment. Either way, get more information by going to Kevins website
If you haven't signed up for the newsletter in the right column of this page, you will be missing out on some great ideas from Kevin that will only be available in the newsletter. There will also be more offers not available any where else on window cleaning forums or web sites. SIGN UP NOW!

Don Chute (picture left) answers questions

MWCoA's Jack Nelson (pictured right). This is another webpage that can only be viewed for a short time before it gets put in to the members area - I urge you to read it if you are not a member.
Go here to read the interview.
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