Since this application review has been released - the developer has worked tirelessly to correct the problems I've experienced on my iphone. The developer reports that in most cases this iphone application works.
Apple iphone applications are very far and few between for window cleaners. I thought I'd have a play around with this one, just to see how useful it could be. It comes under the name "Safety Ladder" & costs $1.99 or the equivalent (whatever country you're in). Here's the description..

Ladders are used day in, day out by decorators, builders, Window Cleaners, the list goes on.
However, more than 2.1 million individuals were treated in U.S. emergency departments for ladder-related injuries from 1990 through 2005, according to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
One way to improve ladder safety is to make sure the angle of the ladder is correct.
The correct angle for a ladder is 75 degrees, any slight difference, and the safety of the user could be at risk.
Simply by holding "Safety Ladder" against the ladder will assist you in finding the correct angle. As soon as 75 degrees is reached, the phone will vibrate, letting you know your ladder is at the recommended angle.
Why be concerned about ladder safety?
“Individuals using ladders are often not mindful of the severe risks associated with use,” said the study’s co-author Lara Trifiletti, PhD, MA, principal investigator in the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Columbus Children’s Hospital and an assistant professor at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
“Increased public health initiatives that target men and women, especially of working age, could help reduce the number of ladder-related injuries.”
This is the first U.S. study to use national data to comprehensively examine nonfatal ladder-related injuries.
During the 16-year study period, the number of ladder-related injuries increased by more than 50 percent. Nearly 10 percent of injuries resulted in hospitalization or transfer to another hospital, approximately twice the admission rate of consumer product-related injuries overall, according to the research.
*Please note, the application relies on the accuracy of the device and iPear Ltd are not responsible for any inaccuracies of the angle.

- The disclaimer highlighted above.
- Very slow to
work with.
- Didn't work.
- No where near the angle stated on the phone when held against the ladder.
- The only way I could get anywhere near the 75 degrees on the screen was alter the angle of the iphone to around 25 degrees.
- $1.99! Not even worth the electric to view the product on the computer.
- No way to rate this product at this current time.
- A dangerous application - it might even cost an inexperienced ladder users life!
VERDICT: A big fat thumbs down.

I am sorry you did not find the application useful.
I am concerned about your "25" degrees claim. We tested the app with two different iPhone 3GS, and the angle worked perfectly against ladders.
The 1.0.1 update is faster to refresh, and allows between 72 and 76 degrees as a safe angle.
I would advise you download the spirit level app and check your phone hardware is working correctly. I agree, if it gave you false readings it would be dangerous.
We developed the app to help window cleaners, not hinder them, so again apologies if it did not work for you.
I would advise downloading 1.0.1 through app update and then seeing if there is any improvement.
(Author of the app)
Updated this app' as proposed above. Still no use as an application (probably even worse after the update). I already have two spirit level apps' & they work fine. I've even tested them against a spirit level.
The fact that you state "We developed the app to help window cleaners, not hinder them, so again apologies if it did not work for you." Shows that you are not serious about safety - just one window cleaner using this & falling could cost him his life.
I'm sorry to say that this app' is dangerous & should be removed from the store.
Thanks, Karl.
Hi Karl,
I'm sorry the update didn't improve matters for you.
Please be assured, like yourself, I do take ladder safety seriously, as an ex window cleaner, I wanted to develop an app to assist with safety.
With this in mind, I want to get the app working correctly for you.
I know it works fine with iPhone 3gs'.
Can I ask what device you are using and what version of the OS you have. Also, what language is your phone in (I assume English)
We are using iPhone 3GS' with OS 4.0.1
I am using iPhone 3GS' with OS 4.0.1 (English)
As an experienced ladder user I am not so worried about myself but others, who may have downloaded this application & may harm themselves. Please do window cleaners worldwide a favour & remove this application from itunes before someone gets killed.
Hi karl,
I am looking into why you would be having an issue. We have tested on 3 phones here in the UK, and all work fine.
It may be something to do with orientation settings for the accelerometer, I will investigate, and appreciate your testing
I have release 1.0.3 which gives users the option to "offset" the angle, which I hope will solve your issue.
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