Kevin Dubrosky has done it again! Another book from the "Window Cleaning Marketing Coach" that every window cleaner should read & benefit from. The book that should be called; "Rich Cleaner, Poor Window Cleaner" is hitting the shelves & we have one free one to give away on this blog. Just sign up below to be in with a chance. If you have already signed up for the newsletter previously, don't worry - you'll be automatically entered in to the draw. If you are having trouble viewing the book through the picture link below - go here & click preview.
Kevin says; "Do you struggle with the marketing part of your window cleaning business?" "Would you like to learn how the most successful window cleaning business owners in 2010 are managing to charge as much as possible, while maintaining the highest levels of customer loyalty?" "Do you wish you could snap your fingers and somehow find a way to double or triple your hourly rate?" "If so, then you’ll going to love my brand-new, 255-page hardcover book $600/hr." "As promised, it’s finally available and you can grab your very own copy starting today!" "Preview an extended excerpt below, for free!" "Read the reviews from window cleaning business owners like you who have already weighed in on this game-changing book below."
Kevin says; "Do you struggle with the marketing part of your window cleaning business?" "Would you like to learn how the most successful window cleaning business owners in 2010 are managing to charge as much as possible, while maintaining the highest levels of customer loyalty?" "Do you wish you could snap your fingers and somehow find a way to double or triple your hourly rate?" "If so, then you’ll going to love my brand-new, 255-page hardcover book $600/hr." "As promised, it’s finally available and you can grab your very own copy starting today!" "Preview an extended excerpt below, for free!" "Read the reviews from window cleaning business owners like you who have already weighed in on this game-changing book below."
"Remember, the extended preview above is absolutely free, so check it out. Please note that while the preview is shown in color, the book is printed in black & white." "Here are a few comments from some of the window cleaning business owners who have already had a chance to preview $600/hr:"
“Kevin has done it again!
I just finished reading Kevin’s new book $600/hr, and I must say he has done it again! If you read this book you’ll know more about marketing your window cleaning business than 99.9% of your competition. If you are looking to earn more in 2010 -(and who isn’t ) than you must pick up this book. And don’t just pick it up – Read it, embrace the concepts, and take action.”
Chris Lambrinides All County Window Cleaning, Vernon, NJ www.allcountywindowcleaning.com
“It’s amazing how you teach to do the opposite…
Thank you so much for sending your new book $600/hr. It’s amazing how you teach to do the exact opposite of what most window cleaning companies do. And it’s so true that we have prices engrained in us very early in life.
I remember thinking that window cleaners should only be making $50/hr and maybe a really well built company $100/hr. But that’s it! After all, I reasoned we’re NOT brain surgeons. But, thinking like that only leads to squeegeeing 6 days a week the rest of your life! You obviously have spent years studying marketing and I am glad I take advice from you, rather than an expensive college curriculum.”
Jerry Tennant Jerry’s Window Cleaning, Hackensack, NJ WCMM member since April 2009
“Should be read and studied at least once a year!
Visualization is brilliant, with your use of well thought out illustrations. I like also that you have a number of quotes from marketing masters. For someone reading for the first time, there are several ‘epiphany’ moments. However if someone buys and reads this book only once, they will miss the point.
$600/hr is a book that should be read and studied at least once a year, preferably kept on hand in the truck or by the computer whenever we think about marketing and especially if we are NOT thinking about marketing. In short it is written well, visualization is first class and should after a year of use be marked up, written on and threadbare. ”
Stuart Webster, Sunshine Cleaning, North Derbyshire, England www.sunshine-cleaning.net
“I seriously need that kick in the pants.
This book makes me think outside the box, and it re-affirms some of my own thoughts on how I could and should be pricing. One of the toughest things for me is getting past the guilt of being paid doing what I do. I seriously need that kick in the pants to step it up a bit.”
Dave Freeborn C-Thru Window Cleaning Inc, Exeter, CA
“A Game Changer.
What you are suggesting in $600/hr is very refreshing to hear! I believe will be widely appreciated and influential. For me, this is a great affirmation. Like I’ve said before, a “game changer”. Now is the best time to confidently raise my “value” and think seriously about the very title of your book. $600/hr. Thanks Kevin.”
Jesse Martin Green Window Cleaning, Sedona, AZ greenwindowcleaning.com
“More money with less effort!
$600/hr taught me how to get the respect I deserve as a window washing business owner, while at the same time empowering me with the tools needed to make more money with less effort !!! Streamline your business, and you earn more profits.”
Dave Miller Wonderful Windows, Dana Point, CA wonderfulwindows.com
“Live this book!
It’s a well-documented fact that reading books about your business can help you grow your business. But Kevin’s book is different.
Instead of just giving some good advice, it starts at the foundation of what many of us believe to be true about window cleaning and tears apart the entire building – floor by floor – to help us re-image our business and become more profitable….more profitable so that we can have more time in our lives to do the things we want. The chapter “Kill the Unicorn” alone is worth the purchase price! Live this book!”
Mark Matson Norwegian Squeegee , Chicago, IL www.hireaviking.com
“You have done all the work for us!
Wow, I loved your new book! It was like you were talking directly to me. Not only have you done all the marketing research for us, but you have put it in a way that I can easily understand and is specific to our trade.
It is so great to read a marketing book specific to window cleaning, rather than reading generic marketing books trying to figure out how to incorporate those ideas to our industry. You have done all the work for us! I can’t say enough good things about your new book. I know I will be referring to your book often to help me make more money in my window cleaning business!
Seth Fensterstock Windows Only LLC, Washington D.C windowsonly.com
“Allowed me to think in a whole new light!
Amazing book! $600/hr has allowed me to think in a whole new light! Because of this book I will make more money instantly by allowing myself to raise my prices. Another book I will read again, and again.”
Josh Cronin U.S.I Window Washing, Racine, WI www.usi-ww.com
“Twelve books rolled into one!
This book is easily twelve books rolled into one. Kevin has summarized years of real world success in marketing for our industry as well as collected pages and pages worth of premuim marketing materials into one complete book targeted to help us window cleaners maximize our revenue simply by changing the way we think about how much we charge for our services.”
Rick Zirbel Professional Edge Window Cleaning, Boise, ID www.thewindowwhisperer.com
“A remarkable marketing resource!
Well its really not surprising that Kevin has put out such a remarkable marketing resource for us window cleaners, but here it is.
Kevin challenges us to rethink, or for some, begin to think, understand, and take our marketing more serious than ever. This is a must for anyone that wishes to really succeed, and possibly even exceed their expectations of what their window cleaning business is capable of.
Kevin takes all of his experience, wisdom, and knowledge that he has gained so much from and feeds it to us in a simple and easy to digest manner.
Great work Kevin, and thank you.”
Dave Simone Advantage Window Cleaning, Wilmington, NC www.myperfectpanes.com
“You will be equipped and empowered!
Kevin’s encouraging and inspiring marketing style has helped my business immensely . His input has been the single greatest factor in our increased profits this year. (And I have only begun to implement a portion of what I have learned.)
After studying this latest book – $600/hr – you will clearly see the need to improve your marketing. And you will be equipped and empowered to do so.”
Christopher Thibodeau Let There Be Light, Loveland, CO lettherebelightwindowcleaning.com
That’s pretty much it. Does $600/hr sound like a book that someone like you would read, study, apply, and benefit from?
“Kevin has done it again!
I just finished reading Kevin’s new book $600/hr, and I must say he has done it again! If you read this book you’ll know more about marketing your window cleaning business than 99.9% of your competition. If you are looking to earn more in 2010 -(and who isn’t ) than you must pick up this book. And don’t just pick it up – Read it, embrace the concepts, and take action.”
Chris Lambrinides All County Window Cleaning, Vernon, NJ www.allcountywindowcleaning.com
“It’s amazing how you teach to do the opposite…
Thank you so much for sending your new book $600/hr. It’s amazing how you teach to do the exact opposite of what most window cleaning companies do. And it’s so true that we have prices engrained in us very early in life.
I remember thinking that window cleaners should only be making $50/hr and maybe a really well built company $100/hr. But that’s it! After all, I reasoned we’re NOT brain surgeons. But, thinking like that only leads to squeegeeing 6 days a week the rest of your life! You obviously have spent years studying marketing and I am glad I take advice from you, rather than an expensive college curriculum.”
Jerry Tennant Jerry’s Window Cleaning, Hackensack, NJ WCMM member since April 2009
“Should be read and studied at least once a year!
Visualization is brilliant, with your use of well thought out illustrations. I like also that you have a number of quotes from marketing masters. For someone reading for the first time, there are several ‘epiphany’ moments. However if someone buys and reads this book only once, they will miss the point.
$600/hr is a book that should be read and studied at least once a year, preferably kept on hand in the truck or by the computer whenever we think about marketing and especially if we are NOT thinking about marketing. In short it is written well, visualization is first class and should after a year of use be marked up, written on and threadbare. ”
Stuart Webster, Sunshine Cleaning, North Derbyshire, England www.sunshine-cleaning.net
“I seriously need that kick in the pants.
This book makes me think outside the box, and it re-affirms some of my own thoughts on how I could and should be pricing. One of the toughest things for me is getting past the guilt of being paid doing what I do. I seriously need that kick in the pants to step it up a bit.”
Dave Freeborn C-Thru Window Cleaning Inc, Exeter, CA
“A Game Changer.
What you are suggesting in $600/hr is very refreshing to hear! I believe will be widely appreciated and influential. For me, this is a great affirmation. Like I’ve said before, a “game changer”. Now is the best time to confidently raise my “value” and think seriously about the very title of your book. $600/hr. Thanks Kevin.”
Jesse Martin Green Window Cleaning, Sedona, AZ greenwindowcleaning.com
“More money with less effort!
$600/hr taught me how to get the respect I deserve as a window washing business owner, while at the same time empowering me with the tools needed to make more money with less effort !!! Streamline your business, and you earn more profits.”
Dave Miller Wonderful Windows, Dana Point, CA wonderfulwindows.com
“Live this book!
It’s a well-documented fact that reading books about your business can help you grow your business. But Kevin’s book is different.
Instead of just giving some good advice, it starts at the foundation of what many of us believe to be true about window cleaning and tears apart the entire building – floor by floor – to help us re-image our business and become more profitable….more profitable so that we can have more time in our lives to do the things we want. The chapter “Kill the Unicorn” alone is worth the purchase price! Live this book!”
Mark Matson Norwegian Squeegee , Chicago, IL www.hireaviking.com
“You have done all the work for us!
Wow, I loved your new book! It was like you were talking directly to me. Not only have you done all the marketing research for us, but you have put it in a way that I can easily understand and is specific to our trade.
It is so great to read a marketing book specific to window cleaning, rather than reading generic marketing books trying to figure out how to incorporate those ideas to our industry. You have done all the work for us! I can’t say enough good things about your new book. I know I will be referring to your book often to help me make more money in my window cleaning business!
Seth Fensterstock Windows Only LLC, Washington D.C windowsonly.com
“Allowed me to think in a whole new light!
Amazing book! $600/hr has allowed me to think in a whole new light! Because of this book I will make more money instantly by allowing myself to raise my prices. Another book I will read again, and again.”
Josh Cronin U.S.I Window Washing, Racine, WI www.usi-ww.com
“Twelve books rolled into one!
This book is easily twelve books rolled into one. Kevin has summarized years of real world success in marketing for our industry as well as collected pages and pages worth of premuim marketing materials into one complete book targeted to help us window cleaners maximize our revenue simply by changing the way we think about how much we charge for our services.”
Rick Zirbel Professional Edge Window Cleaning, Boise, ID www.thewindowwhisperer.com
“A remarkable marketing resource!
Well its really not surprising that Kevin has put out such a remarkable marketing resource for us window cleaners, but here it is.
Kevin challenges us to rethink, or for some, begin to think, understand, and take our marketing more serious than ever. This is a must for anyone that wishes to really succeed, and possibly even exceed their expectations of what their window cleaning business is capable of.
Kevin takes all of his experience, wisdom, and knowledge that he has gained so much from and feeds it to us in a simple and easy to digest manner.
Great work Kevin, and thank you.”
Dave Simone Advantage Window Cleaning, Wilmington, NC www.myperfectpanes.com
“You will be equipped and empowered!
Kevin’s encouraging and inspiring marketing style has helped my business immensely . His input has been the single greatest factor in our increased profits this year. (And I have only begun to implement a portion of what I have learned.)
After studying this latest book – $600/hr – you will clearly see the need to improve your marketing. And you will be equipped and empowered to do so.”
Christopher Thibodeau Let There Be Light, Loveland, CO lettherebelightwindowcleaning.com
That’s pretty much it. Does $600/hr sound like a book that someone like you would read, study, apply, and benefit from?
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1 comment:
I am looking forward to picking this book up soon! - Duncan @ Extra Clean, Inc.
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