Chicago - From The Eyes Of A Window Washer: As a kid, Michael Kelly loved to go rock climbing. He found himself on the job hunt back in 2002. The perfect opportunity fell into his lap. Michael became a window washer. Today he scales the largest buildings in Chicago, making them shine window by window. But Michael isn't your ordinary window washer.

He carries an SLR camera, snapping images of the world most of us never get to see. He got the idea when he started showing friends and relatives his cell phone shots. They recommended he upgrade to a better camera. The result are breathtaking images he began uploaded to a Flickr account. Mike now has followers from all over the w

orld, each grabbing a tiny piece of Chicago by clicking through his PhotoStream. Given that he's 60 stories off the ground, Michael is privy to sections of architecture most of us never get to see. He's photographed Gargoyles that have been lurking over the city for 100 years, revealing their weathered facade from a century-worth of Chicago storms. He is currently assembling his best photos into a book, along with stories from his life on the job. Just today he launched a
website showcasing his work here. Click the pictures to enlarge.

Don't forget, it's not too late to join the
Master Window Cleaners of America Sponsored Event for today/tomorrow - May 21 & 22, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Express Airport, 11130 Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO 64153. Hotel room rate is $69/night. Just mention the Window Cleaning Seminar when you call: 816-891-9111 to book your room. Activities will begin on Friday with a golf outing with a meet and greet/roundtable in the evening. Saturdays events go like this:

- Saturday sessions will be 9am-4pm
- Plan your vacation to the Midwest and come enjoy some great education
- Kansas City’s finest Bar-B-Q, and some awesome Midwest hospitality!
- Saturday lunch provided, Bar-B-Q of course.
If you are planning to attend please send us an email ASAP so the
MWCoA can book rooms at the hotel and plan other details! showmecleaning@aol.com
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