Duo looking to clean up for Comic Relief: Two Wells window cleaners have pooled their time and will be washing windows in the city centre to benefit Comic Relief this week. Kevin Pearson, of Wells Traditional Window Cleaning, and Richard Burt, of RB Ecoclean, are planning a 24-hour window wash in the Market Square, starting at 6pm on Friday and finishing at 6pm on Saturday. Mr Pearson said: "This is a free window clean, but we hope that shops, restaurants, pubs, clubs and businesses can support us and donate some money for Comic Relief." To help promote the effort Steve has had his van airbrushed. He expressed his thanks to Steve Slight, of Joeby's Airbrush Art, Wells, and also to Tim Wood from printing firm St Andrew's Press, which provided promotional leaflets and letters free of charge. Kevin said: "Richard and I are determined to stay awake, so if you see us and you want to give a little, it will mean a lot. "It's pretty amazing what Comic Relief do with the money they get, and you can be sure it will put smiles on many faces."
The duo are looking for some volunteer musicians, who might be interested in playing in allocated time slots on Saturday to help keep them going as the 24-hour marathon continues, as well as face painters and entertainers who would donate their time and takings to Comic Relief.
Anyone who can help should contact Kevin on 07914 641643.
Burglars responsible for 65 break-ins in the Yarmouth area since the beginning of December. The thieves have been single-mindedly targeting cash and jewellery, leaving behind other less portable valuables such as laptop computers. Focusing on burglary hotspots north of Yarmouth, including the villages of Caister and Hemsby, officers tracked down and questioned eight possible suspects before undertaking a stop-and-account exercise around Caister in the afternoon, the time when a lot of the break-ins have occurred. They also spoke to a genuine window cleaner, Gary Taylor, who has been doing the job in Caister for nine years, to ask him if he was aware of any bogus operators. Other people stopped and questioned by the pair, including a local garage worker on his bike, all seemed supportive of police efforts to track down the burglars responsible for the crime wave.
The Customer Factor Window Cleaning Software: With window cleaning software pricing going up and features being eliminated or not applying to window cleaner’s specific window cleaning business needs, many window cleaners are having trouble finding a software product relevant to their business. Fortunately,
The Customer Factor Window Cleaning Software was developed giving window cleaners the ability to manage and grow their window cleaning businesses with multiple features and benefits available to them in a simple to understand user interface. In an online interview, according to Steve Wright, the developer of The Customer Factor, being a former window cleaner allows him to have a unique perspective on what window cleaners need in a window cleaning software product. "Most window cleaning software developers have never cleaned a window in their life, so they end up creating software programs that are bloated with features that aren’t needed or lacking features that are", explains Steve. Seeing window cleaners succeed in their businesses is the main reason Mr. Wright developed The Customer Factor. "I saw there were major gaps in other window cleaning software products that I tested, so I decided to do something about it", Steve says. As far as the argument that a window cleaner can effectively run his or her window cleaning business manually, Steve points out that taking shortcuts by doing everything manually or using 2 or 3 different free online programs that aren’t made for window cleaners is a recipe for failure or best case scenario, leads to too much wasted time. To learn more about The Customer Factor Window Cleaning Software and read what other window cleaners are saying who use the software every day in their window cleaning business, Mr. Wright invites you to visit
The Customer Factor or contact him at 256-546-2446.
High court to rule on city ordinance: The court heard arguments between building owners and the union that represents janitors over a 2004 ordinance that bars the wholesale dismissal of workers when a large building changes its contractors. Some of the court's seven justices showed some sympathy with that sentiment, but the issue they must decide is whether state law allows the city to tell businesses what to do. The ordinance says that if the owner of a building or complex larger than 100,000 square feet switches security, janitorial, maintenance, stationary engineering or window washing contractors, the new firm can't dismiss the old firm's workers for 180 days, except for cause or, if there are too many of them, by reverse seniority. The Service Employees International Union's attorney, Michael Healey, told the court that if home rule cities can't enact such ordinances, then they aren't really empowered to rule themselves.
Police hunt for thieves in seperate incidents: Recent incidents in the area have included a man falsely claiming to be collecting money on behalf of a window cleaner, and another man calling unannounced at people's homes, gaining entry after speaking with the householders and then stealing items from the houses. Cadet Danielle O'Hara of Motherwell’s community safety department said: “All window cleaners are required to hold a current licence, issued by North Lanarkshire Council. Each individual employee of the company must have their own licence. The licence contains a picture of the individual and they must produce this if a customer requires them to do so. Door-to-door salesmen are also required to be licensed. “If any person has concerns over people operating without a licence they should contact the licensing department at Motherwell Police Office.”
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