Whether it be the rain, the van that let you down, the battery that was flat, the pump that decided to die on you, the guy that didn’t show up....more often than not things don’t go quite as planned. That means that your ‘perfect’ schedule of when you need to go and clean your customer’s windows often needs readjusting. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a program available that is flexible enough to handle your constantly changing schedule without any hassle?
You’ve tried the free trials of other programs but it takes forever to entering your customer details.... Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a system available that would let you take care of your invoicing, accounts and scheduling with very little effort? Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to keep re-writing your work diary when it falls apart.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have an organised system for your canvassing efforts instead of those bits of paper with scribbled notes and and quotes you need to follow up on littering your van? Wouldn’t it be nice if that program only cost thirty seven pounds? It’s time to get organised!
Stick the pdf's on your iphone! Previous Blog on this software HERE.
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