Don is a website designer, blogger, photographer, local political analyst, and also has over 60,000 hours in the WINDOW CLEANING BUSINESS since 1981! He started out absolutley broke, on food stamps, unable to pay the rent, and wrote a bad check for a squeegee to start his business in Gainesville in Florida during a recession! If you Join now, then go to the downloads page and get the 12-page White Paper on getting started with route sales. This will get you started in the business, and you can start laying the foundation for your business tomorrow! Or today, if you are reading this early enough in the morning!
After that, stay up to date with advertising methods, downloadable templates for sales letters, fax proposals, software tutorials, personal videos from Don, and responses from the latest email and voicemails. This site is your web magazine that carries materials specifically made for the self-employed window cleaner. Click on Don's picture to take you to his new website. This pod-cast, Don tells us how he visited Knoxville, Tennessee for a little advice.
Here is Don working away on a bitterly cold morning...
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