Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Window Cleaning Has A New Star

Mark Munro (right) receives the 50 year Unger squeegee from Matt Hodgkins, sales & marketing Unger.
Window Cleaning has a new star in the shape of Mark Munro (pictured) who managed to pull industry leaders from the four corners of the globe. All converging to arrive in a little known caravan park in Burton Bradstock, Dorset. Mark, who has two very popular facebook pages (here & here) for window cleaners created something out of nothing, which all started when he was looking for a a supplier to come down to give a demo' so he could try out a pole. Figures coming in, showed that he out classed other popular window conventions in numbers alone & also managed to raise quite a big cheque for local charity. A big thank you to Mark for putting on a great show, with a lot of money coming out of his own pocket - he's a champion geezer! 

See the pre-blog, click the picture.


  1. Hello Mark,
    First of all thank you so much for sharing. You have done a wonderful job. I can feel the effort behind your hard work which is been paid off. Some one say that "life is easy when your are busy". but its not applicable in every cases.

    Window cleaning

  2. Thank you Travis Yearick for your kind words
