Monday, 1 April 2013

Squeegee Power To The People

Good at designs? Have a crack yourself & win money & T-shirts.
Squeegee Power contest with Window Cleaning Resource: Chris Wilson says, "So I have recently inked a deal with Window Cleaning Resource supply house to market, promote and expand on the Squeegeelution design." "I wanted to work with Chris and Alex and the WCR team because I’ve appreciated the fun, youthful and active sensibilities they bring to the industry."

"Together we can bring this iconic design to a wide variety of products and promotional materials and give a new level of awareness to the window cleaning family." " So, to get things started we’re doing a design contest that allows window cleaners the opportunity to create a design around the Squeegeelution and submit it to WCR for printing on a limited edition t-shirt."

"The contest begins today." "Here’s a link to the contest and below I’ve posted a nice big png version of the design here that you can right-click and save-as for manipulation in your favorite image design program such as Adobe Photoshop." Chris was featured before in a previous blog here with his famous mate. Be sure to check out Chris' Website here.

Click to take you to download.
Chris Lambrinides of WCR says "We are holding a contest this month to take the Squeegeelution logo and make a new design with it." "The winner of the best design, picked by me will get a $250 WCR store Credit gift certificate & we will make your design into a t-shirt."  "We will print 100 super limited edition shirts, send you 10 and we will keep the pother 90 for giveaways."

"So lets get creative and help us design the next Squeegeelution / WCR t-shirt." "The winner will most likely come up with something cool and original and somehow also cram the WCR name or logo (download) into it." "Entries can be posted into this thread or emailed directly to me"..

"We will pick a winner towards the end of the month." "And we will have the shirts printed right away." "You dont have to be good with photo-shop to enter, you can hand sketch your idea if you like." "A winner will not be picked based on artistic ability, but they will be picked on the best concept, Good Luck!" Here are 2 examples of how the Squeegeelution logo has been incorporated into a shirt..."

Chris Wilson's hometown T-shirt.
The last Squeelution design.

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