Thursday, 18 April 2013

97 Year Old SpiderGran - Window Cleaning Fail

Hanging on ... granny grabs on to air conditioning unit after her fall.
Ninety-seven-year-old granny clings for dear life after falling from window: (Rivne, Ukraine) A granny was left clinging for dear life after she fell as she tried to clean her windows. The 97-year-old ended up stranded on an air conditioning unit 35 feet up following the botched spring cleaning attempt. After getting her leg wedged on a bracket, the pensioner hung on desperately for half an hour before being rescued.

Caught ... the 97-year-old fell whilst attempting a spring clean.
Her desperate cries for help alerted neighbours who then called emergency services. But when they turned up, a lack of proper equipment meant the old lady remained stranded.

Stranded ... her ordeal was watched by helpless neighbours below.
A spokesman for the fire brigade said there was no time to put up an air cushion and they were forced to rely instead on ladders to reach her. Rescuers spent several minutes attempting to free the woman whose leg had become caught on a bracket attached to the conditioning unit.

Safe ... the elderly lady back in the comfort of her flat.
Meanwhile, the red-faced lady's neighbours and friends watched helplessly from the ground below.
Firefighters eventually managed to haul the stricken pensioner back into the safety of her flat in the Ukraine. The plucky lady escaped unharmed but was treated in hospital for shock following the ordeal.

Spidergran! Watch amazing 97-year-old who clung on 35ft in the air after falling out of window. She was left hanging 35ft above street level, suspended from the fourth floor, after she toppled while cleaning windows. Ukrainian grandmother Angela Artyomova clasps an air-conditioning unit outside her flat for dear life as she waits for help to arrive. The 97-year-old was left hanging 35ft above street level, suspended from the fourth floor, after she toppled while cleaning windows.

The spritely pensioner managed to grab hold of an air conditioning unit at her flat in the city of Rivne after the fall, and then get her foot wedged in the bracket holding it in place. Her terrified calls for help were enough to alert passers by who called firefighters, and she was still hanging on by the time firefighters arrived and rushed to get a ladder underneath her to help her back inside. Fire brigade officials said they had realised the situation was desperate when they arrived and had no time to set up an air cushion. They used a ladder to speedily get to the OAP - who had been hanging for at least 30 minutes before she was helped back inside. The grandmother was taken to hospital suffering from shock.

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