Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Bird Turd Jesus

Bird Turd Jesus: Ohio Man Jim Lawry Says Dropping On His Windshield Is Image Of Christ - It isn't the Shroud of Turin. It's the Turd of Brooklyn. Jim Lawry of Brooklyn, Ohio, tells NewsNet5 that he's "amazed" by the image of Jesus Christ that he, family and friends see in a bird poop plopped on his windshield. He told the station he thinks it's a sign. In a YouTube video posted Monday, Lawry marveled at how it looked like a regular old dropping from the outside of the car -- but from the inside it looked, well, divine. The video has since been deleted. "It's like a perfect portrait," he says in the video. "It's like Jesus staring right at me."

MSN writes that it looks more like a "dog wearing a wig" than the Son of God, and is perhaps more a sign that the car needs washing. But sometimes one bird's excrement can mean one human's excitement. In August, Brandon Tudor of Illinois spotted a turd on his windshield that he thought was a dead ringer for Michael Jackson. But Tudor's plan to auction it on eBay washed away in the rain.

Window Cleaner Finds Miracle In Malaysia. Click picture to go to story.
Check out some reasons for miracles here.

Check out more sacred sightings..

Chuck Rickman photographed this window at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego after seeing what he thought might be the image of Jesus. He's not religious so he thinks it could also be Led Zeppelin.
Jim Stevens stands next to his truck that has an image on the window resembling Jesus Christ. Stevens, of Jonesborough, Tenn., said Nov. 2 that the image keeps reappearing, but he doesn't know how or why.
Virgin Mary in Window -- Sept. 30, 2008
Hundreds of believers and curious spectators ventured to Mercy Medical Center in Springfield, Mass., on Sept. 30, 2008, for a glimpse of what some said looked like an image of the Virgin Mary in a window.
Visitors believed they saw a white apparition of Mary in a third floor window at a hospital in Milton, Mass., in 2003.

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