Monday, 9 April 2012

Rattlesnake Whisperer Or Window Cleaner?

Man Catches Rattlesnake with Bare Hands (Scottsdale) - There’s more to the valley this time of year than just spring training and seasonal allergies. Rattlesnake sightings are also pretty common. We heard from a viewer who had an encounter with a western diamondback rattlesnake recently and decided to take action. Before we show you this video, a word of caution -- don't try this yourself!

The man you're about to see did exactly what you're not supposed to do if you see a rattler. “I was walking along this pathway, one of these private homes here, and I was actually texting and wasn’t paying attention and my partner actually said, ‘Steve stop… there’s a snake right there’ and he was laying lengthwise right on this pavement here,” describes Steve Salamone. “I picked up a small twig and then all of a sudden I started moving with him, you know, trying to pin his head down… he was hissing at me and he was striking at me and my adrenaline was moving and I was like, ahh man, I was in my zone out here.” “I’m like, I got this I got this and all of a sudden I get him back over here and then I grab him, bam!” “It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but what am I, I’m a thrill seeker, I’m an adrenaline junkie, whatever you want to call me, the rattlesnake whisperer.”

Salamone has his own window cleaning company. He was working in north Scottsdale when he came across the rattler. When we asked if he would ever do it again, he said no -- he'd already checked catching a snake with his bare hands off his bucket list.

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