Wednesday, 30 March 2011

R.I.P Window Washer - Gandy Ochoa

Window washer electrocuted in Huntington Beach.

A man washing windows at a three-story medical building was killed Tuesday morning when an extension rod he was using came in contact with a 12,000-volt power line, authorities said. The incident was reported about 6:30 a.m. at Beach Boulevard and Newman Street, said Jeff Lopez, deputy fire marshal with the Huntington Beach Fire Department. The body was lying on the sidewalk on Newman Street, adjacent to the Beach Medical building in the 17700 block of Beach Boulevard about four hours after the accident. The Orange County Coroner's Office removed the body about 10:30 a.m.
Jeff Lopez, deputy fire marshal with the Huntington Beach Fire Department, said the man was using an aluminum extension rod to reach the third story with his brush. "It came into contact with the power line, which shorted to the ground and electrocuted him immediately," Lopez said. It appears the man was walking around a tree when his equipment touched the power line, Lopez added. Coroner's Office officials identified the man as Gandy Ochoa, 27, a Pomona resident. Power was out while authorities removed the worker's brush, which hung from the power line above the sidewalk on Newman Avenue. The office building was briefly evacuated, Lopez said.
Yesterdays sad breaking news with video here.

An Southern California Edison lineman gets ready to disconnect the power after a window washer was electrocuted when his washing equipment touched a power line running along Newman Avenue behind Huntington Beach Hospital this morning about 6:30 a.m.
A Southern California Edison lineman disconnects the power to a line running along the North side of Huntington Beach Hospital on Tuesday morning. A window washer was electrocuted when his washing equipment touched the power line running along Newman Avenue behind the hospital.
A window washer's brush hangs from the power line above the sidewalk on Newman Avenue in Huntington Beach this morning after the washer was electrocuted near Huntington Beach Hospital about 6:30 a.m.
A Huntington Beach police officer places a barrier to block the view of the body of a window washer who was electrocuted while washing the windows of a medical building next to Huntington Beach Hopsital this morning. The window washer was electrocuted when his washing equipment touched a power line running along Newman Avenue.
Initially people thought that the fire by the roadside was a downed cable, but it turned out to be the perished victims body alight.


  1. Talk about sad thing a two in one hit electric and fire.
    Stay away from the lines!

  2. Very sad accident. My condolences and prayers to his family. Isn't there a way to insulate these power lines so this type of accident does not happen?

  3. My heart breaks for him and his family. Just a young man trying to make an honest living. Why did they allow him to work in a)such early morning hours where visibility is horrible and b) on three story high windows in such close proximity to power lines where he had no choice but a long pole? This poor guy was too young and inexperienced to realize how dangerous it was and I feel so horrible for him when all he was trying to do was his job. My condolences to all who knew and loved him.

  4. why gandy why gandy? my buddy i miss him

  5. so sad! so young .. he was a nice kid
