Monday, 15 November 2010

Aliens "Don't Do Windows" - They Just Leave Residue

Observations and comments on how aliens pass through solid walls: The grays, to differentiate from other ET’s visiting planet Earth most preferred method of entering a building is through the windows. For some reason glass must be easier to enter or require less energy or less work. I don’t know. I just know for a fact they prefer to come through windows. But coming through windows is not just coming through glass, as you generally have a screen, blinds and curtains as in my home but whatever window covering that may be on any windows they grays prefer coming through glass. This is a given and having asked them on two occasions they confirmed that window entry is their preferred method of entering any structure, be it home, work or wherever I might be when they come for me.

And if I am standing in front of a window when the grays come through, which I have of course, this is what I witness; I blast of air hits my face and body and the gray just shot by me at hyper speed. When this happens to me my jaw drops at what had just transpired. I saw something quickly go by. I turned and said telepathically; welcome. I mean; what the hell am I supposed to say when something like this happens? Witnessing this did not shock me or frighten me but it did surprise me.  And it still surprises me each and every time this happens. And while I’m thinking about this; I can say for an absolute fact that after coming through the same windows for a period of time a residue will build up on the outside of the glass. You cannot see this residue from inside looking out. I decided to clean some windows one spring day and to my utter astonishment there was a residue on the outside of some of the windows I was cleaning.

I started with glass cleaner. That was like elk hunting with a slingshot. I moved to rubbing alcohol; that was like elk hunting with a BB gun. I moved to Goof Off; that was like elk hunting using a 22 rifle. I went to my toolbox and got a scraper and put a new razor blade in the scraper. I don’t know why I wasted my time with this method. I finally gave up. I did remove some of this residue on the windows that had the residue and only in the thinner areas but the work involved and the time spend on one window made me quit washing windows.  In the areas where the residue was built up I could not make a dent in removing this residue.

I finally came up the idea that this residue has actually become part of the glass, as if the process of entry changed the properties of the glass if only for a few microseconds. Again I’m trying to describe something way beyond my area of expertise and have no idea how to properly describe this where it makes any sense or where one can understand what I am describing. I kept wondering what in the hell was on the outside of several windows. Then it hit me. Of course; these are the windows the grays often use for entry.I believe if I ever wanted clean windows I would have to replace the windows with this residue on it as it will not come off. This residue now appears to be part of the glass.

I decided to ask the grays to clean my windows. Good luck with that one. They don’t do windows.

Above: UFO Residue/The Angel Hair Phenomenon - Angel Hair is a mysterious substance thought to be extraterrestrial exhaust but very rare this is due to the fact that it usually melts as soon as it falls to earth. Only hardcore UFO experts would have heard of this. Visually it would look like silk threads that rain down from the sky, but it would melt to the touch.

A man arrived at his Birmingham home at 4am on March 20, 1997, to discover an illuminated blue triangle hovering over his garden. The craft shot off leaving behind a ''silky-white'' substance on the tree-tops, which he collected in a jam-jar.

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