Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Window Cleaner Pictured With No Health & Safety Training: Dubai

Nerves of steel or completely mad! What it takes to be a window cleaner in Dubai: It's one thing building some of the world's tallest towers. But what happens when the windows need cleaning? Perched on a narrow sill hundreds of feet above the ground on the 34th floor of a Jumeirah Beach apartment block, this chap demonstrates nerves of steel as he gives the windows of a 34th floor apartment in Dubai's Jumeirah Beach the once-over with a long handled brush - without a safety harness. As he takes his life into his hands, at least he has the sense to hold on to the window frame, even if it is by his fingertips, as he goes about his task. He was snapped making sure the windows were sparkling by a resident in a neighbouring apartment block. When it comes to safety among its massive immigrant workforce, the Dubai authorities have a dubious record. Conditions in which immigrants are expected to work has been a subject of discussion in the United Arab Emirates for many years. Yet the majority of these employees have no voice, especially when it comes to their own safety. They are also aware that, if they are deported, there are thousands of others willing to take their place. Click pictures to enlarge.

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