Monday, 12 July 2010

Live The Good Life Through Window Cleaning

Paul McQuillan (pictured) of "Live the good life through Window Cleaning" gives a unique insight to his business below in; "How a window cleaner failed forward" This exclusive write-up from Paul has been written for the blog, more about Paul can be found here.

Paul will be choosing 3 window cleaning businesses to help explode to a new level of success. This will be an intensive and advanced program. This is to include:
  • Weekly conference calls
  • Brand building
  • Create a marketing foundation your business will excel with
  • Ad creation help
  • Referral supercharger course
  • The Up-sell that always sells techniques
  • And much more..
Sadly, this is not a contest. He will review and accept the right people (people who have the fire to go beyond the norm, no matter what level of current success you have). All entrees will fill out a form. He will then go through EVERY form and decide on who he wants to give this gift to. It will not be based on who he likes, it's based on who has the guts and drive to do something special. Why would he publicly create 3 successful businesses for free? Because he has his own business to excel at. If he can make 3 businesses more successful in front of the world, well, you can see the advantage for him.
Paul says, "When I say successful, I mean more successful than you are now, whatever that level of success currently is." "This is not about me in the beginning as 3 businesses need to excel... are you one of them?" "I have a stipulation- you must join my list (Fill out the form here/topright of page) as that will be how I send out the questions." "If you are not on the list- no chance." "This will be a huge undertaking for me and a lot is riding on it... so I will be picky." "If you want to be considered simply get on my list." "I will be sending out information over the next week. Good luck, and I am excited to help 3 of you do something special."

"How a Window Cleaner Failed Forward"

Failure is the F word we shudder to speak. Most people fear failure even when they have not had any real failure... like I have. Within the past eight years of owning a window cleaning business I have hit great highs, and terrible lows. I literally have had weeks, I had no gas money, no calls coming in and no hope. I remember when I was trying to cold call new businesses that I saw going up. There was this restaurant being built and I was calling them over and over.

One day me and my 10 year old son were driving by it and I said "I hope I get that job". He looked over at the place and said "they'll hire you because my daddy's the best". I choke up now as I type this, but at the time it enraged me. Not at him but at the fact I was in such a situation. I AM BETTER THAN THIS!, I said to myself.

Whatever I was doing was wrong. Going door to door and passing out crappy fliers was destroying my manhood. With every 'no thank you' or lack of phone calls I sunk deeper in depression. At times I felt like a fish spat out by the sea. Flopping around gasping for air, literally feeling the life leave my body. My son's comment was the breath I needed to take. I had enough and made a decision to succeed or die trying.

Since my ads were not doing well, I had to figure out how to make them better, fast! I went and bought some marketing books. At first is was like reading Chinese. I could barely understand what they were saying. I could not relate it to window cleaning.


We are not trying to sell window cleaning, we are selling the experience. People make decisions to get their windows cleaned just as they do when they buy anything. Because the windows are dirty is not a reason. I went from going door to door to sending a Fed Ex envelope to key people in ideal accounts I wanted. I utilized email to establish initial contact. I got jobs that would have tossed me out on my ear before. I learned all of this through marketing books and morphed it into my business's marketing.

I went from not getting any response from my ads to creating ads that grossed more than $200,000 in sales. I owe everything I have to failure. Failure is a lesson being taught. When my postcards would not get any response, I would make changes and try again. Soon I had my finger on the pulse of my prospects. Since those painful early years I have started my own business in marketing. I also started a business that gives back to the industry that gave me all I have... window cleaning.

If I could give you one piece of advice to help you avoid such a heavy lesson, it would be to learn and to take action on what you learn. Failure is good as it means you are doing something. No successful person escaped failure, they evolved from it. See it as a challenge that will reward you greatly. If you try to avoid it you will dig a hole very hard to get out of. You can learn from failure, or allow it to destroy you. You will fail so you may as well use it to your advantage. Be smart about what you do. Go out and learn what you need to arm yourself the best you can. Don't be a creature of circumstance like I was. Take control now.

Have a good one,

Paul McQuillan of Good Life Window Cleaning.

Click below to see Paul talking about Apple products.

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