Wednesday 24 February 2010

Window Cleaning Videos

Damien Walters, Parkour and Gymnastics legend agreed to clean windows. He did however insist on doing in his own unique way. A great stunt, and good acting to boot. No wires, no post production just talent and guts. All done for real.

"This scraper is so good you could squeegee with it." So Sörbo says.. the new scraper from Sörbo.

From this day forth you'll never have to struggle trying to take your squeegee off an extension pole..
Josh gives advice on forms and paperwork for your window cleaning business.

If you have ever felt that selling your window cleaning services sometimes feels like this, then you'll love this video.

How can you hire other people to do the "actual window cleaning work" when you can't really afford to pay your bills right now? Whether you want to stay a one-man window cleaning show or are looking to grow into a 100-employee window cleaning business, the answer is going to help you, and it's easier than you think.

Tony Evans trys out MDR (Mineral deposit remover)...

Erlanger Window Cleaning Presents Taking The Right Steps To Ladder Safety.. these guys try and clean the glass with this new miracle static charged window USB cleaner.

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