Tuesday 22 December 2009

Window Cleaning Videos

Tony Evans of "A New View window cleaning" gives us another episode in the new second "weather or not" winter edition.

Chris Dawber aka "Wagga" shows you how to modify your Wagtail if you can't be bothered carrying a screwdriver around. Also another inside view of his modified tool.

Dean of "Advance Window Cleaning" shows safety on the job when gutter cleaning.

Norman Wisdom queuing up or his first window cleaning job. You may remember the original Norman Wisdom video when the UK's weather was similar to it is now.

Don't give up your day job part 1...

Don't give up your day job part 2...

More silly antics 20 floors up...

This Spanish themed music entitled "The boyfriend of death" is justified...

And finally...do the window washer...

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