Tuesday 6 October 2009

Acacia Technologies - Window Cleaning on the Go

Mobile data collection system for Window Cleaners, Wheelie Bin Cleaners and Debt Collectors: Are you using spreadsheets to store your customer’s details and payments? Are you spending all your time updating and printing out these spreadsheets? When your workforce has gone home, are you still updating your spreadsheets for the next day?

MIDAS has been developed for businesses that offer periodical services; i.e. window cleaners, wheelie bin cleaners, cash collectors etc; it handles collections, pre-payments and invoices. Businesses with multiple field operatives and collectors will benefit from this live system. MIDAS provides ‘live’ detailed Scheduling, detailed Collection listings and informs you what monies have been collected, even before the workforce get back to the office!

How does it work? Simple, your data is stored on a server, just like your emails are. You can access this data through a PC Desktop Browser and through a Mobile or PDA that has a Browser. If you update your data on the desktop browser it appears on the mobile browser and if you update the mobile browser it will appear on the desktop browser. Just like your emails only with better security. Why not view the flash demonstrations here or you can view the sales PDF here. MIDAS is unique in the fact that there is no software installation required.
MIDAS is a subscription based service using the very latest internet technology.
See all the demo's here.

MIDAS was developed and designed to utilise every aspect of these new technologies and to avoid the old routines of software installation, upgrades and replacements. Acacia Technologies are based in Bolton, Lancashire, UK. We also have partners based in Tranent, Scotland.

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