Sunday 27 September 2009

Window Cleaning Videos for Sunday

The "Wagtail World Window Cleaning Challenge" starts rolling with these great videos from Duncan & 2 from "Wagga" as he calls himself, Both these guys win themselves a Wagtail squeegee.

Mark Henderson puts out a video for his own company in Italy.. and it looks strangely familiar! Mark Henderson is known for the "Window Cleaning Resource" website.

Astound Window Cleaning put out this pretty impressive video..

Kris Cook of KC Power Clean gives some tips on Anodised frame problems & fixing them. Check out his blog!

More Wagtail fun from Sweden..

"At Glass with Class, we specialize in “the art” of window cleaning and collectively have decades of experience." Check out Glass with Class.

Matt Cole gets stopped in the street & interviewed!

The Burj Dubai, the tallest building in the world gets a clean - forget squeegee's.

Brennon of New Albany Window Cleaning is selling this RHG cart for a friend. It also gives us a chance to look at some of the modifications he's made.

And finally...

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