Tuesday 1 September 2009

Stuff You Come Across In Your Window Cleaning Gear

When border agents in San Diego unscrewed the cover to a secret compartment recently, they found a teenager inside in the fetal position, apparently dehydrated and dizzy, agents said. It was one of four attempts since last Wednesday to smuggle people into the U.S. from Mexico at area border crossings, the CBP said. Early Thursday, a 21-year-old National City resident drove a '95 Nissan Pathfinder through the Otay Mesa port of entry. While interviewing the man, an agent's dog paid close attention to the SUV's rear cargo area. A look underneath showed a large metal compartment. Officers made their way through a cargo of window-washing materials to discover the access panel sealed with screws.

And here....Dog alerts border agents to unusual hiding spot in SUV at Otay Mesa crossing. A Customs and Border Protection "detector" dog thought there was something suspicious in the back of the 1995 Nissan Pathfinder attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico through the Otay Mesa checkpoint. While an officer was interviewing the driver, the dog "alerted" to the cargo area of the vehicle, officials said. Officers removed a variety of window-washing materials from the floor of the cargo area, allowing them to see what looked like a recently installed panel. Using a screwdriver, they removed the panel and found a 19-year-old curled up in a fetal position, dehydrated and dizzy, officials said. He was riding in a specially designed compartment beneath the vehicle, only inches from the road. The driver, a 21-year-old U.S. citizen and resident of National City, was arrested on smuggling charges. The 19-year-old, a Mexican citizen, was taken to a hospital in the Thursday morning incident.

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