Saturday, 19 September 2009

John Zavada: Normal Cosmic Services

Fame is Fleeting: John Zavada - Spend some time with people and you will find they are fascinating, witty, funny, intriguing, mysterious, and much more. This feature puts Streator people in that spotlight for a few moments each week as we ask them to have a little fun with our offbeat list of questions.

John Zavada, 35, was born and raised in Streator. After graduating from Illinois State University, he lived in Normal for four years before moving back to Streator. Zavada multitasks at the Ottawa YMCA, including teaching art classes. He also works for Cosmic Services in Normal, doing painting and window cleaning.

Q:What ís the one thing you've lost you'd most like to find?
My hair.

Q:If you were president, what's the first thing you'd do?
Take a nap ... that campaign was HARD WORK! Then work to make it a law that lawyers can only make minimum wage.

Q:If you could live the life of a cartoon character, who would it be?
SpongeBob SquarePants. All I'd have to do is stretch and I'd be clean.

Q:If you wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
"I Have to Use The Bathroom!! Vol 2."

Q:What do you wish you had invented?
The pineapple or apple corer.

Q:If you were able to cancel one event in history, what would it be?
I don't know if canceling something makes the world better. Everything happens for a reason ... so if something was canceled out, humanity would still be dumb to its possibility. If people chose to continue making the same mistakes, then that's stupidity rearing its ugly head. OK. I'd cancel the invention of greed in the human heart.

Q:If you could have any job, what would it be?
Taste tester for organic vegetarian cuisine company.

Q:If you, (or your parents), were running for president, what would the advertising slogan be?
Zavadapalooza! Join the fun.

Q:What one word best describes you or your family?
Me: Contradiction. Family: Huffy.

Q:What is the one thing about you that would surprise most people?
I'm brutally shy and scared to talk to people. I wish I didn't have to start conversations all the time, that others would do it first.

Q:What's the worst job in the world?
Whatever Mike Rowe is doing each week. (Rowe is the host of the show "Dirty Jobs" on Discovery Channel)

Q:What new flavor of ice cream would you like to see?
Who needs a new flavor when Pumpkin Pie already exists?

Q:How many pets do you have and what are they?
Three brothers and two sisters! Ha!

Q:Where would you take an alien creature to teach them about Earth?
To a junior high school. Everything good and bad in human nature exists there, and kids that age don't hide their feelings very well.

Q:What kind of sandwich or food concoction have you invented?
I doubt I "invented" it, but I love cottage cheese topped with Kroger mustard ... and saltine crackers crumpled on top of it all.

Q:Finally, is there anything on your mind that you really want to say?
This plays out like a Facebook quiz.

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