Wednesday 9 September 2009

Jaret the Window Cleaner - The New Star of WCR

Jaret of "Jarets Window Cleaning" from Akron, Ohio maybe the youngest window cleaner going! At 11 years old, this star to be, looks like he could pave the way for other up & coming window cleaners with his great style. So good in fact that the kind guys at Window Cleaning Resource, Chris & Alex have decided to set him up with a camera & a host of tools with his own new show, just to show what an 11 year old can do. With his captivating style, energy & a little quirky humour thrown in, Jaret is a delight to watch.
Jaret taught himself to clean windows this year & he's doing pretty well - I've seen worse twenty years on! He has no favourite tools at the present time, but with the tools he tries out for WCR, he will give an opinion of which he likes best. He wants to be a window cleaner when he leaves school & considers safety is the key element for window cleaners. His family has encouraged him all the way & we expect to see great things in the future from this YouTube star known as "Mr Mow the Lawn." Jaret joins other succesful stars that have given their time to show us tips & tricks under the WCR name, which has been imitated by other supply stores.

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