Just one week to go before the Midwest Window Cleaning Conference kicks off on Saturday July 18th at the Country Inn and Suites in Coralville, Iowa hosted by Tony Evans. The room rate for the event is $84.95 - just let them know you're with the window cleaning event. Tony Evans aka Mr. Squeegee has a whole host of conferences lined up for your enjoyment & admission is absolutely free. Just contact Tony so that he can better organise the event if you plan to go. Places are filling up! You may remember Tony from his "weather or not" video series. It promises to be an outstanding event!
Sponsors: WCR, RHG, Titan Labs, American Window Cleaner magazine, Mr Longarm, Presto Inc., Greg Hanson (MagmaBullet), MWCoA, and Mrs Squeegee. Please click the links either here or above on the pictures to show recognition for the sponsors.
Agenda as follows:
9-9:30 Introductory meet and greet w/ complimentary coffee and donuts
9:30-10 Hard water stain removal discussion (T. Evans)
10-10:30 Scratch removal demonstration (A. Lambrinides)
10:30-11:00 Fabrication Debris discussion w/ Q&A (T. Evans)
11:00-11:20 Quadrant Pricing Theory w/ Q&A (M. Draper)
11:20-11:35 Factor Bidding Theory w/ Q&A (T. Evans)
11:35-11:50 Ladder Safety for the one man show (T. Evans)
11:50-12:10 Marketing Q&A (P. McQuillan)
2:15 Lunch (Cost is $10 see below) which will blend right into the round table discussions.
1-2 Round table discussions determined by those present
2-4 WFP demos w/ Reach Higher Ground
Also a novel "show and sell" - bring any old gear you're not using & sell it on.
Sponsors: WCR, RHG, Titan Labs, American Window Cleaner magazine, Mr Longarm, Presto Inc., Greg Hanson (MagmaBullet), MWCoA, and Mrs Squeegee. Please click the links either here or above on the pictures to show recognition for the sponsors.
Agenda as follows:
9-9:30 Introductory meet and greet w/ complimentary coffee and donuts
9:30-10 Hard water stain removal discussion (T. Evans)
10-10:30 Scratch removal demonstration (A. Lambrinides)
10:30-11:00 Fabrication Debris discussion w/ Q&A (T. Evans)
11:00-11:20 Quadrant Pricing Theory w/ Q&A (M. Draper)
11:20-11:35 Factor Bidding Theory w/ Q&A (T. Evans)
11:35-11:50 Ladder Safety for the one man show (T. Evans)
11:50-12:10 Marketing Q&A (P. McQuillan)
2:15 Lunch (Cost is $10 see below) which will blend right into the round table discussions.
1-2 Round table discussions determined by those present
2-4 WFP demos w/ Reach Higher Ground
Also a novel "show and sell" - bring any old gear you're not using & sell it on.
Cant wait for this.. Should be an awesome time!