Monday 8 June 2009

Window Cleaning & WFP Videos

Looks like these Antipodean guys are having fun working out there. This movie takes a look at the highs and lows of a full day on the job, with the exceptional behavioural skills that befit such a high demand job.

Just when you thought you had seen it all!! The most recent release in the latest series that has hit the nation.. The extras section will give you a behind the scenes look at the players that make this dream a reality, get to know the heroes of today!

Look what "lucky" Chance gets up to on his days off!!

Mark Strange from Toronto, Canada who owns "Beautiful View" Window Cleaning gives his latest & greatest installment on his findings with scrim.

Tony Evans from Iowa and of "A New View" window cleaning shows how he uses the Ettore backflip in his day to day work.

Here he is again water fed poling french windows.

Tony shows how he inter-changes tips on his "Mr. Longarm" pole.

College Student Cleaning is run entirely by full and part time students & wants to empower its team with positive experience in business. Their students gain valuable experience in the workforce while earning a good paycheck to help with their tuition. So I don't how the next line on their website could possibly be true?....With years of experience our crew will get up close to each and every window, cleaning it like its never been cleaned before!

Perhaps they should take a tip or two from Mr. Wagtail himself - Willie Erkin.

Joe Gormanly has developed his new angle switch flow control for water fed poles. Push on the glass to stop the flow & push again to restart. You can contact him or discuss his ideas at "the water fed pole training academy."

"Balls of steel" by channel 4 in the UK was the theme for this devil prankster. He comes undone when he meets his match with the window cleaner.

Oh no......another one.

Another singing window cleaner....

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