Sunday, 21 June 2009

A Window Cleaning Bag of Goodies..

Window Cleaning Resource have updated & upgraded the American forum. Chris Lambrinides tells us what's new in the video below. Some neat features, probably the best forum around for navigating & finding topics for your window cleaning business.

Tony Evans a.k.a. Mr Squeegee of "A New View" Window Cleaning in Iowa has just followed on from his Winter how-to series: "Weather or not" for the new Summer version. The first episode is below. Great stuff as always from Tony.

Let the "Window Cleaning -Balcony Access - Championships" begin...

Window Cleaning with the wfp in Colchester...

Yes, I know that is a silly, maybe even a stupid, concept! Yet it often occurs to me that many businesses are working every day in the same manner as a baseball team playing without home plate.

Without home plate the batter wouldn't know where to stand, the pitcher wouldn't know where to throw, baserunners wouldn't know how to score, and the game wouldn't make any sense. Without a goal line on a football field the game would be total chaos. Without a finish line bicycle racers would end up all over Europe instead of riding down the streets of Paris at the end of the Tour d' France.

It is the focus on the goal that makes sports so alluring, competition so thrilling. Business is just like that... almost. The difference is that business goals are not physical realities like a basketball hoop or the edge of a swimming pool. Business goals are far more abstract, often negotiated or even arbitrary, based upon the ambitions of owners, executives, and managers and those are the effective business goals. They are plenty of ineffective business goals that need to be addressed also.

I'm surprised that many business are working without clearly defined, well articulated goals. They have difficulty leading their staff forward into the future because the staff doesn't know were the future lies, how to work towards it, and what will happen when they get there or even if there is a there there. So they all come to work in the morning and, robotlike, go through the motions of trying to do business, satisfy the customers, and satisfy the boss without having firm criteria for satisfaction.

Every member of a sports team, from a Little Leaguer to a Major Leaguer knows what it takes for the team to win the championship and what he or she is expected to accomplish every game in order to win. Does the staff in your business know what is expected? Do they know how the company is keeping score? Without clear goals they are working without reason. Give them something to focus on. Start winning.

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