Thursday, 11 June 2009

The Necprotech - Neck Protection for WFP Users

Is Your Job A Pain In The Neck? All occupations can sometimes be a pain in the neck, but there are some - like house painting, window cleaning, fruit picking, and automobile repair - that literally leave their practitioners with a pain in the neck from looking up most of their days. This pain can be so severe as to be a safety concern, as the inventor of the Necprotech knows very well.

New Zealander Darrell Poole nearly lost his life while rock climbing with a buddy, his "belayer," who lost control of Poole's rope when he looked away, because his neck was sore from looking up too long. Poole, who had climbed up the side of a cliff about 33 feet, sunk about 12 feet down before the belayer got control of the rope.
It was that near-death experience that made Poole an inventor. After searching everywhere for a suitable neck device, he finally decided to make one himself out of plastic and foam in his kitchen oven. It worked well, and his buddies were impressed; they all wanted one.

The Necprotech has taken several years for Poole and his business partner, Nigel King, to develop commercially, but the comfortable neck rest that Poole invented has taken off in his homeland as well as in Great Britain and Europe -- not only among rock climbers but among the professions where pains in the neck are truly occupational hazards.
Necprotech is an adjustable device that gently cradles the head at various levels and angles, displacing the weight of the head from the neck muscles and spine onto the head rest. The rigid device is strapped to the body like a backpack.
In 2008, the Necprotech won the Professional Builder's Innovation of the Year award and just recently, it took second place in the 2009 British Safety Industry Awards. Necprotech is available in New Zealand, Britain, and Europe right now, but it can be ordered from one of the suppliers of (Necprotech is looking for distributors in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.)

HOW NECPROTECH WORKS: When you wear necprotech you'll feel instant relief from a tired or sore neck when you're looking up. Necprotech's neck support system works by supporting the heavy weight of your head (think bowling ball), taking the pressure away from your neck and shoulder muscles so you can work in comfort. Over the longer term, you'll be saving your neck, shoulders and back from chronic pain and permanent injury caused by craning your neck for too long. It means you'll be more productive - and you're protecting your income for the future.
necprotech also has a sturdy upper-body harness that helps maintain good posture. It is really comfortable to wear so you can relax while you're working. The scientific test showed necprotech reduces the muscle activity in the neck by over one third, a substantial amount that makes a noticeable difference in the amount of discomfort you feel and to the potential damage of your neck. The research also found that because necprotech reduces the rate of fatigue in the muscles, it could also help preserve the health of the cervical spine, preventing long-term injury.

Necprotech is also endorsed by Site Safe, the occupational health and safety authority for construction in New Zealand, and recognised by chiropractors as a neck support system that helps prevent wear and tear that could lead to spinal degeneration. Comfort and style are very important to the design of necprotech.
The neck support is cushioned and shaped to the curve of the head, and its base is fully adjustable to fit any height. The upper-body harness, while sturdy enough to promote good posture, is fully padded on the inside - and the wide, padded straps that go around the shoulders, chest and under the arms give extra comfort and support to the upper body.
And comfort doesn't come at the cost of style. necprotech has a unique design that is stylish and modern, yet subtle enough to suit all types of clothing.
Necprotech is worn just like a backpack. Once it's adjusted to fit your body, simply pull the shoulder straps over your shoulders and fasten in the front. To remove, just unfasten the clip at the front. It's as easy as that.

Necprotech scoops 2nd place at British safety industry awards 2009. The most prestigious safety-industry awards in Britain, the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) Awards, has awarded Necprotech a Highly Commended - or Second Place - for excellence in product innovation at its May 12 ceremony. The annual BSIF Awards is a celebration of all that is finest in the UK safety industry. Its Product Innovation Award is given to new and innovative products that will make a significant contribution to reducing workplace injuries.
Necprotech received the Highly Commended award by a panel of eight independent judges, all experts in the field of health and safety in the UK. "The [judging] panel had not seen a similar product available on the market and believes that, if worn, [the product] would help prevent neck strain. In addition, the product seemed comfortable to wear and was not intrusive when the wearer was not working overhead," says Geoff Hooke of BSIF.
Nigel King, Managing Director of Necprotech, is delighted with the result. "Just being shortlisted for the award was an honour for us: coming second is just incredible. I have always believed Necprotech was a fantastic innovation. It works, and there's nothing else out there like it, so I guess the judges must have recognised that," said Nigel.
This BSIF award adds to the accolades Necprotech has already received in the short time it's been available in the UK, including the Charles Godfrey Innovation of the Year Award 2008 and Product of the Month from various trade publications.

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