Monday 4 May 2009

Water Fed Pole Videos

Enjoy the first instalment of the newest series. WFPs on WCR, Part 1, hosted by Micah Kommers of "We Wash Windows" from Greenville, South Carolina. Alex below, gives us a quick look at the Pulex Eagle cart.

Ray Fulgoni in New Jersey with his wfp.

Seth Fenster of Washington DC shows his wfp van mount.

David from KendaClean using reach and wash, and Lee using traditional window cleaning methods at Broke Hall house in Ipswich.

Jeff Brimble came up with the idea of utilising modular fishing poles as opposed to other heavy brands that were on the market. Most of the lighter wfp's are based on his system and are still much lighter today, than anything out there. Here is a 6 year old operating one.

Glynn Hewitt from Adders "Rinse & Clean shows us his method & the results from the inside in these two videos.

This clever chap converted his backpack to run a wfp van mount system.

A collection of water fed pole videos...

Don Chute shows another method of using your water fed pole. And the video below that - a new way of cleaning industrial machine windows.

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