Monday, 25 May 2009

Johnny Orsinis' Story

Johnnys Story: On Sunday, May 1, 1988, at the age of forty-eight, I chose to go skydiving for the first time. It was also my last time. The descent was wonderful until I was near to the ground. My body crash-landed and left me with a compression fracture of one of the vertebrae in my back (L-1), and many bruised muscles. Eleven days were required for the hospital stay plus seven months at home in a brace before I recovered enough to start working again! There was severe pain at first. It lessened as time progressed. I needed to do many exercises to strengthen the injured muscles over the following seven months. There was also plenty of time for prayer and I took advantage of it.
Meanwhile, I had purchased a 1973 Buick Le Sabre four-door for $100 from an Elkhart, Indiana used car dealer with whom I had done a lot of business in the past. Although it was sixteen years old, it turned out to be a dependable car. A previous prayer for a good vehicle had been answered.
I worked briefly with my next-door neighbor during December and January doing some carpentry work. He worked. I helped. I learned a lot about business from Harry. He said that if you do a great job you would always have work. How true it has proven to be.
Later, in the month of January 1989, I got a job selling cars and trucks. It lasted about five weeks. I was let go because I sold only one vehicle. I was devastated and was about out of money.
Four days later on Tuesday, March 1, 1989, I was at a point of desperation. With what little money I had being almost gone, no car, no job prospects, I really needed help. My ways had not worked. (I have since learned that my ways had never really given the best results.) I knelt down and asked God for His answer to my situation. Surrendering as sincerely as I could at that time, I said, "God, I will stay on my knees as long as it takes to get an answer from You." I was prepared to be on my knees for several days if necessary. My back was sore because I was still recovering from the skydiving injury, but it did not matter to me how long it would take. God's answer was definitely needed at this time. He gave me an answer in only ten minutes! It was a vision that looked like the old-fashioned movie marquee, with light bulbs around the word "WINDOW CLEANING".
Now, I was not really interested in becoming a window cleaner, so I stayed on my knees for another hour. (This was just in case He had a different job for me; something easier, and with a "better image". I was hoping for a job that would allow me to be dressed up with a suit and tie each day.) Nothing changed. I decided I would be a window cleaner. If God wanted me to be a window cleaner, though, He would need to do a lot for me to get me going and make a way for me, because I had no idea of what it would take to get into the window cleaning business.

On Jun 30, 2006, Johnny retired from the window cleaning business, after 17 years. He has been selling the window cleaning ebooks online since June 2002. He was so blessed by God with the window cleaning business that he wanted to pass a blessing on to those who would like to receive it. He now makes the ebooks available free of charge. The Window Cleaning Business Manual has helped many people get started in the window cleaning business.

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