Saturday 11 April 2009

Window Cleaning Hall of Fame & Scratched Glass

Two new websites you should be aware of & read for your own information: The first website is from Window Cleaning Resource - Fabricating Debris & how to protect yourself from the terrors of clients that have poorly manufactured glass & what to do about it! This is one issue that is slowly raising it's ugly head in Europe as glass manufacturers are turning out poor quality glass for the quick buck leaving window cleaners holding the rag. Also a 'biggie' for window cleaners in the USA that can make or break your business in what is becoming a frequently discussed topic. Educate yourself, knowing that once you detect it, you may be too late. Above is the much celebrated DVD available from the store by the credited expert in the field of fabrication debris, Dan Fields. More information on this topic in this blog is collated here.

The Window Cleaning Hall of Fame started by Jack Nelson of the MWCoA, this website has been established to set up "to Honor the men and women who made what we do for a living easier and a more honorable profession." "Each year on April 10th we will add more members." "April 10 was picked because of the passing of Jim Willingham." "Jim never forgot where he came from he remained true to his roots." "He was both respected and revered." "Each person named here brought something unique to the window cleaning profession." "Because this is the first year for the list, there is no way we can honor everyone who was vital to the industry."

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