Monday 27 April 2009

Glass Gleam 4 - Earth Friendly

Released from Titan Labs:

After an exhaustive review we have determined that Glass Gleam-4 is a "green product." Several window cleaners have requested this. A new flyer showing this important information is enclosed.
We designate GG-4 as earth friendly technology. Using the services of a consultant formely in a key position at Chlorox's Green Works, we studied the requirements of the leading certification systems. There are no standards for many of the requirements, even for something basic as "biodegradable". Our suppliers key data about their raw material & testing. Using this data we were able to determine that Glass Gleam-4 is a "green product," which is designated as EARTH FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY. We are working on other products to see if they also would qualify.
If you would like to use this logo for Glass Gleam-4 on your website or catalog - and we think it would help you & your customers - we can send you digital copies. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Info@TitanLabs.Net

Click on pictures to enlarge.
Thanks to Chris Lambrinides of window cleaning resource for the heads up.

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