Sunday 22 March 2009

Window Cleaning Videos

Some random window cleaning videos for your enjoyment. First up some mirror cleaning in Fuerte Ventura, Canary Islands, Spain. The second, the same guy breaking every health & safety rule in the book, at the same time ignoring his own safety & those around him. 

Our jobs are safe....

Window washing fail...

The North & South of England - different ways to clean windows..

Phil Alexander creator of the Simpole shows us how strong the sections are by driving over them & working at height with the Gardiner water fed poles.

This Indoor Clean Pole is an innovative product from Baudoin Systems.  The system offers an ergonomical and practical solution for the cleaning of all kinds of vertically and horizontally glass and other smooth surfaces inside buildings, which are difficult to reach for window cleaners i.e. when desks, small cases or equipment are placed in front of a window.

ServiceMaster Clean by Deeland is one of the largest ServiceMaster Contract Services cleaning business in the UK. "Todays commercial businesses demand quality & value," some nice wording & selling points. Looks like a tucker pole!

Nick Kaczun (Lustre Luxury Cleaning & Services) of Toronto, Canada is featured on Doctor in the House. Lustre is Toronto's first luxury cleaning and services company providing services to residential and commercial clients throughout the city's finest neighbourhoods. Some more cleaning pointers & possible add-ons!

Finally, one for the ladies...

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