Sunday, 15 February 2009

DIY Traditional Mobile Bucket

You may remember Lewis Doubtfire (pictured) of Gleem-Clean from a previous blog & his inspirational use of a pressurised water fed pole system for getting water to the glass. Lewis has taken it upon himself to emulate both the Leif cart & the Quadropod made by Sörbo to come up with something rather unique that is lacking in the market-place.
Lewis says: "It looks overkill, but I've persevered more than 3 years ago on my original Model." "The designs a `tad`improved as the bucket is detachable." "The bucket height is also easily made adjustable." "The higher you have it - the better it is I find." Not only has Lewis incorporated a pole holder, two buckets on a belt & the most obvious benefit of having the bucket at a workable height, but he's also made it easier for transporting from one location to another. It can also be laid down for 'dunking' your strip washer as shown in the last photo. Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Lewis originally made the trolley public at the "water fed pole training academy" - in the traditional section of the forum. Full details of what you need & how to make the trolley can be found there. The Water fed pole training academy have recently surpassed the 1000 member mark & have just finished a competition to find the best flyer. Well done Jeff & Joe! It's easy to join up & only takes a minute, just click on the link below to take you there.


  1. I like the way it keeps tools at a height where you can just reach over and get them, instead of rooting around in the bucket!

  2. Cheers Don,thats what I thought.
    Also it`s easy to put some of those
    Pulex bucket tool hangers in position,if needs be.Got a handle
    today to work as normal off the
    frame / trolley
