Saturday, 10 January 2009

VaZing Window Cleaning Softwear

Another Window Cleaning Softwear Package from Boston, Massachusetts.....

"It's never been easier to run your business than with VaZing's online Window Cleaners software! Gone are the days of paper all over your desk, post-it-notes stuck around the office and messy whiteboards. VaZing keeps all of your customer information and schedules organized so you can view them on a calendar and make quick changes at any time. VaZing even has drag-and-drop functionality…now you can quickly move jobs from one employee or team to another. VaZing is easy to learn and use. But don't take our word for it; see for yourself with a 15 day FREE Trial Window Cleaners software. Don't waste another minute managing your business with complicated programs or clumsy pen and paper and start to VaZing!"
State of the Art Features:
!Got scheduling headaches? VaZing is your solution. Easily schedule one-time and recurring jobs…. never miss another commitment! Stop struggling to stay organized and tame the paperwork demons you wrestle with. VaZing puts your entire schedule at your fingertips, allowing you to:

· Easily schedule emergency, one-time, multi-visit and recurring jobs.
· Handle scheduling changes while you're on the phone with your customers - No more call backs!
· See where you have openings in the online calendar. No more messy whiteboards to deal with.

But don't take our word for it. Register for your FREE TRIAL and see firsthand why VaZing's web-based Window Cleaning Service Software stands head and shoulders above the rest. Difficulties with dispatching? VaZing has the dispatching capabilities you need. The dispatch calendar will let you see your entire work schedule - so you can get your head around all your jobs. When someone calls in sick...easily move jobs from one team or employee to another.

· Quickly dispatch teams for emergencies or rush jobs.
· Don't wait to call your customers back, get 1-Click access to important job information so you can answer questions while you're on the phone.

Visit our WHY VAZING page to learn more about why Window Cleaning Service Professionals are choosing to VaZing every day.

Other softwear from Insight Direct...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great program!!

    Office Manager
    Ivie Window Cleaning Company
    Window Cleaning
