Sunday, 14 December 2008

Isopropanol & the Window Cleaner in Winter

Those guys at the Cleaning Pro's forum have come up with some scientific testing so that you can add Isopropanol to your water tank for when you are water fed pole-ing. Testing took place in a household freezer using glass containers & different amounts of isopropanol added to find the correct amount to use to stop freezing.

The findings were as follows: the dilution rate would be approx 1 litre of Isopropanol to 600 litres of water when adding to your tank or in other words 166ml for every 100 litres for your water tank. The tds in the mix would not be enough to impair cleaning at these ratio's. Isopropanol can be taken down to -89C (-128F). This is also an alternative to using methanol for the traditional window cleaners that use buckets. It hardly has any effect on marine life & plants using the ratio's given. Although being an alcohol, the chemical will dry your hands out, so water-proof gloves are advised if you are having direct contact. Please see the MSDS at the foot of this blog for full details.

Freezing Point of Isopropanol (2-Propanol) based Water Solutions: Isopropyl alcohol is also commonly used as a cleaner and solvent in industry. It is also used as a gasoline additive for dissolving water or ice in fuel lines. The concentration of Isopropanol in water is shown below & the lower tempreratures that can be realised by concentration.

If you noticed that the world ''isopropyl" looks like it might have something to do with propane, which you know from gas barbecues and propane torches, then well-spotted. Propane is made of three carbon atoms strung in a row with 8 hydrogen atoms attached. Poke an oxygen between a hydrogen and the carbon in the middle of the row and you get isopropanol. Any of the alcohols we've been talking about will evaporate quickly carrying away heat with it, so they are useful to cool and soothe the skin. They are also all good at dissolving oils and greases and therefore good for cleaning all sorts of things. Isopropyl alcohol is also readily turned into acetone, which you probably know as nail polish remover. Sometimes rubbing alcohol contains ethanol as well as isopropyl alcohol. When rubbing alcohol does contain significant amounts of ethanol, more poisonous and evil-tasting substances are added so that people won't drink it -- a process called ''denaturation." Often the poisonous additive is methanol, which, in addition to being toxic, can blind you if it doesn't kill you. In other words, under no circumstances should you ever consider drinking any sort of rubbing alcohol!
Some safety info for you: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
I would also like to point out that Isopropyl acohol is used in swimming pools as "heatsaver" as it rises to the top & keeps the heat in the pool. Material data safety data sheet here.

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