Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Building Contractors Beware of Tempered Glass

BELFAST, MAINE, USA: There is an on going issue regarding tempered glass which can be very costly to your business. 80-90% of all tempered glass being produced today has fabricating debris fused to the surface. This debris consists of glass fines produced when the glass is cut. The glass fines are not being washed off before the glass is tempered and they become fused to the surface. This debris is microscopic, however razor blades used in the cleaning process will dislodge them and the glass fines then scratch the glass. The glass industry recommends not using razors to clean the glass. Razors are an industry standard tool for removing paint, silicon, and general debris that will inevitably get on windows during the construction phase. Asking window cleanings not the use razors is like asking carpenters not to use a hammer. There are ways to avoid the use of a razor in the final cleaning phase of construction if certain precautions are taken. A lot of window companys are now applying protective film to the glass. This film must be left on until all construction is complete to minimize the amount of paint, etc that gets on the glass during building. If windows do not have this film it is highly recommended to mask the glass as soon as the windows are installed. While this issue is with tempered glass, it is a good idea to treat all the glass at your jobsite the same.

This news report comes on the heal of recent postings after Jack Nelson of MWCoA interviewed GANA Board Chairman Cliff Monro & of Arch glass. The interview can be read here. And more information from MWCoA can be read here.

More fabricating debris info here.

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