Sunday, 13 July 2008

Real People at Work

Like many small business own­ers, window cleaner Victor Turn­quest has benefited from consider­able help while launching his new venture. The business idea itself came from a client at a drug treatment facility where Turnquest worked as a counselor. Then the name No Streaks Window Cleaning Service was a gift from his wife, who first thought her husband wouldn't use the idea. And the No Streaks van, a former soft drink company vehi­cle, was secured in Selma for only $400. Finally, competitors them­selves have been kind enough to share how they have gained mar­ket share. That advice has been valuable since Turnquest went about build­ing his enterprise after its Febru­ary startup. His willingness to listen and take good advice has served him well. The Montgomery resident now has 27 homes and businesses that he cleans on a regular basis in the tri-county area. The cleaning job is a supple­ment to his work as a mental health counselor with the Human Resource Development Institute in Montgomery. The 2000 Auburn University Montgomery graduate in sociolo­gy said once he found out that a window cleaning service featured low overhead, he decided to open shop and start trying to build a customer base. Landing those initial clients tested his perseverance. "It was hard the first month," he said. "I was asking myself 'is this what I want to do?'" That's when Turnquest, 34, turned to those already in the busi­ness to find out how to stay afloat. Just enough were receptive to his requests. They provided tips that helped him capture 18 clients after three months in business. An attention to detail has helped him along the way. For in­stance, when cleaning residential windows, he doesn't just clean the windows, but makes sure that he vacuums out spider webs and oth­er matter from the tracks that hold window screens in place. Turnquest also wears all the hats in the business. He cleans, de­velops new accounts, handles bill­ing and manages the company. Now he and co-worker Ivan Watson take care of work in We­tumpka, Prattville, Millbrook and Montgomery. Besides cleaning windows inside and out, No Streaks offers pressure washing and gutter cleaning for commer­cial facilities and homes as well. To add to his busy plate, Turn­quest and wife Robin, who were married in July of 2007, are expect­ing their first child.
The new entrepreneur answer­ed some other questions about No Streaks and about his future plans.
Q: What is your favorite part of the business?
A: Meeting potential clients and seeing the smile on a client's face when I finish the job.
Q: What don't you like about the job?
A: The heat.
Q: Do you have any ideas about new services to offer?
A: We plan to add hanging outdoor Christmas lights as a new service this fall.
Q: Do you have any other plans?
A: I want to get a Web site and e-mail for the service.
Q: What do you think about all the help you have received in starting the business?
A: It's been a blessing.
Q: Do you have any special of­fers going?
A: Yes, we have a special offer for residents -- $20 off first-time serv­ice.

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