Friday, 6 June 2008

Cupboard Cleaner

THIS IS the first picture of the room that the Rotherhithe cleaner who allegedly flung himself off a balcony on the Osprey Estate was said to be staying in. The area, two interconnected rooms which are conventionally used as a storage room for cleaning products and as a 'staff room' for local cleaners, is situated just yards from where the man crashed to the floor, as he attempted to escape from government immigration officers. The ‘News’ had been told by residents that the man had been staying in a cupboard on the estate, which was denied by the council. A spokeswoman for Southwark Council, who employed the cleaner, stuck to her previous assurances that he did not live in a cupboard, saying: "The council stands by its previous statements on this matter. The individual did not live in a cupboard; we were given an address on the application form. However, we cannot give out details relating to the individual or his family, as the matter is still under investigation. "However, local resident Karen Tindall described the space as bigger than a cupboard but not big enough to be described as a flat. "It's bigger than a cupboard", she said. "But it doesn't have a window - maybe you could call it a storage space that people have made comfortable for themselves! "Speaking about the incident she added: "I was just so glad that my children were not at home when it happened because he must have jumped straight past their bedroom windows. "He was a lovely guy to have on the estate. I've lived here five and a half years and he was here before me, so he's certainly been here for a good time. Everyone around here just hopes he recovers shortly."

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