Thursday, 29 May 2008

Grooming Salons for Window Cleaners?

Pictured: 1. Ramsey & Grady play pool at the barbershop lounge. 2. Gerry Ramsey, window cleaning owner gets shampooed after getting a facial at Barbershop Lounge.

Men’s grooming has hit Boston like a wave. In the past year, several men’s grooming centers have opened their doors, as long-established spas and salons have begun setting aside certain nights and treatments for men only. Traditional barbershops have begun expanding their services, and shaving cream companies have begun producer fancier, more expensive lotions.
“Guys are really into this,” said Kelly Tarlow, manager of High Street Men’s Grooming Center on Newbury Street in Boston. Three Boston-based investors opened the shop in November. Now, after a busy six months, they are thinking about opening other branches, in Boston’s Financial District and in the suburbs. And over at the Barbershop Lounge, the custom-made black leather barber chairs have been filling up for weeks. But just a few hours later, Gerry Ramsey of Roslindale and Shaun Grady of West Roxbury practically floated out of the Barbershop Lounge.
“I’m sold,” said Grady, a 25-year-old construction worker who had just had his feet soaked and scrubbed. “Unbelievable,” added Ramsey, 29, the owner of a window-washing company.
.......or would you rather just clean their windows?

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