Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Cleaning Windows with Steam

It seems every day they bring out steam cleaners advertised for cleaning windows. A couple of my customers actually bought them . I still clean their windows. 'Nuff said. I actually bought one for cleaning out grout, it took 10 minutes to reach temperature, it had a useful life of around 5 mins & the window attachment didn't work, although it left some lovely streaks.

In this companys defence, they promote the product for allergy sufferers as they are only using super heated water. Which brings me to another story today about Chemicals found in household cleaning products causing asthma in children, one of them being window cleaning solution being found in two-thirds of all homes.

The heated water fed pole systems are here, I suppose the next step may be steam?
Heres another home shopping network video of a typical handheld steam cleaner in action (starts at 4:35 min), sorry about the wait if you can be bothered at all?

1 comment:

  1. Well, using a universal solvent (water) is way better than any chemicals. Using soap and water for cleaning usually leaves suds. If you are using hardwater, the soap reacts with it, thus the white residue forms. Most interior and exterior steam cleaning services must be using some high-end equipments. If one can't do it alone, getting professional help is still the best way.
