Wednesday 20 July 2016

Day In The Life Of A Baton Rouge Window Cleaner

Ricardo Ortiz prepares his Fisk descending rope system for a controlled descent from the Medical Plaza 1 building’s roof.
A day in the life of a Baton Rouge window cleaner: Using ropes and counter weights, cleaners from Expert Window Cleaning rappel their way up and down buildings to make the windows on Baton Rouge’s tallest structures squeaky clean. In business for more than 25 years, Expert Window Cleaning services office and commercial complexes, industrial sites and high-rise buildings. The company also provides residential window cleaning services.

Johnathen Smith positions his counter weights, ropes and roof anchors as he prepares to clean the exterior windows of the Medical Plaza 1 building at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center.

Jack Rudodi begins a controlled descent from the top of the seven-story Medical Plaza 1 building at OLOL.

Sitting in a Bosun’s chair, Rudodi wipes clean the exterior windows of the seven-story OLOL building.

Ortiz cleans the fifth-floor windows outside the lobby of the Pediatric Specialty Clinic at Medical Plaza 1 at OLOL.

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