Wednesday 2 December 2015

Guerrilla Window Cleaning

A Plymouth mum turned guerrilla window cleaner to tackle her neighbour's filthy house - because it was putting people off buying her home.
Plymouth mum turns guerrilla cleaner after neighbour's filthy window put off potential home buyers - A Plymouth mum turned guerrilla window cleaner to tackle her neighbour's filthy house - because it was putting people off buying her home. Sue Pearce had had her home on Hill Park Crescent in Plymouth on the market for eight months, and couldn't understand why it wasn't selling.

It was a remark from one potential buyer that gave her a clue, and prompted her to take action. Sue said: "We were looking to move and had had the house on the market for a good eight months, but had very little in the way of viewings. "One couple that did come to have a look around were joking with me about the appearance of next door - it has always been quite a grubby looking house - and were asking if our neighbours were ‘rough’, as they had young children and wanted a nice area.

"I don’t know why, but it ended up playing on my mind, so I thought I’d try and ask my neighbour to spruce its appearance up. "It was only that house that was REALLY bad. I wouldn’t have done it under normal circumstances. "We hadn’t talked to him much before that and I think he took it amiss as he’s elderly and didn’t want to be climbing ladders.

"In the end, I though the easiest thing was for me to just go ahead and do it myself. "It’s like that saying ‘if you want something doing…’ I think at first, my neighbour felt insulted, but it got the job done as the house is now sold. "We haven’t moved far away and actually saw him at the supermarket not so long ago and I think he sees the funny side of it now as we had a good chat."

Family friend Phillip, who owns londoncleaningsystem, said: "This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of guerrilla window cleaning. It appears to be an increasing trend in London and the surrounding areas. We just hope that it won’t grow to a point where we are all out of a job!"

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