Thursday 10 September 2015

Window Cleaning News

On a high: Vanessa Villamagna works atop the One Brighton apartments in Mandurah. 
Window cleaner's bird's-eye view of world: Vanessa Villamagna is accustomed to feeling on top of the world. The high rise window cleaner has discovered how to make a living out of her passion for climbing. “When I was a kid I was always very adventurous and always climbing things,” she said. “I never thought of myself as doing something like this, but I saw the job advertised and applied for it.”
BlueSky Window Cleaning took on Ms Villamagna as their first female high rise cleaner five years ago. The brave 26-year-old said a highlight of her job was the breathtaking views she took in. “It’s amazing just to be on top of the world, over the hills, the river,” she said. “The big wow factor for me is getting up on the ropes - it adds a whole new level. You pinch yourself.”
She said the male-dominated field was not for the faint-hearted. “Safety is the biggest thing. You have to make sure you eliminate any risks,” she said. “We go through intense training of going up and down ropes, doing rescues, doing rope transfers, tying knots and using harnesses.” While Ms Villamagna has never had to put her rescue skills into practice, she has scaled heights of 30 storeys.
And as well as providing a massive adrenaline rush, she said her job was a lot of fun. “Sometimes we scare people when we’re cleaning buildings – it’s pretty entertaining,” she said. “You get the odd awkwardness when you’re cleaning apartments with people inside.”

Help find little Cooper: Family appeal for help after puppy is stolen from owner's van: Cooper, a four-month-old Jack Russell puppy, was snatched from his owner's van in Busby, East Renfrewshire, on August 19. A four month old puppy was stolen from a van while his owner nipped out for a sandwich. Jack Russell Cooper was snatched in Busby, East Renfrewshire, on August 19, at around 12.40pm. Owner Lee Green had left him in his work’s van while he popped into a baker’s for a quick bite to eat.
Lee, 29, who owns his own window cleaning business, left the vehicle unlocked on the village’s Main Street, but when he returned just five minutes later, Cooper was gone. The family, including Lee’s wife, Estelle, and their two-year-old daughter, Eva, have been left devastated by the broad-daylight dog-napping. Lee, of Carmunnock, Glasgow, said: “Eva wakes up every morning asking when Cooper is coming back. “They were good wee pals, and she really misses him. It’s breaking her little heart that he is gone.
“We don’t care who took him, we just want our dog back.” Despite appeals on Facebook, and other social media, as well as offering a £500 reward - which is more than the dog is actually worth - there has been no information about the black and tan pup’s whereabouts.
Cooper has distinctive markings, and has been micro-chipped - so if someone believes they have been sold him by the thieves, they could take him to the vet’s to get him scanned. Lee added: “I’m totally gutted. I was away for five minutes getting a sandwich, and when I came back Cooper was gone. “A woman in the street told me she saw two men standing next to my van. “One of them had the dog by the scruff of the neck, and they had Irish accents. “But at the time, she had no idea she was witnessing a dog-napping.”

Solar panel cleaning key to ensuring firms continue to be extremely green: A Burton firm with a difference is urging people to make the most out of their green credentials. Springs Cleaning. based in Hawthorn Business Centre, in Hawthorn Crescent, Stapenhill, offers professional solar panel cleaning in a bid to improve energy output and efficiency.
Carl Crockford, from Springs, said: "Its a growing trend in the UK that consumers are realising the need for solar panel cleaning. As a company we have invested in the correct training and equipment to carry this out professionally.
"We bring across all of the same high standards from our window cleaning, to ensure panels are cleaned safely and to improve the overall return to our customers, People have invested thousands in these systems and they need to ensure they are working at maximum capacity to benefit from them. As a company we can give people an outline on how often they will need the panels cleaned but this is usually on a six monthly timeframe."
The benefits of installing solar panels can be adversely affected when they are left unclean for a certain period of time. It has been estimated that between 10to 25 per cent of energy output can easily be lost when solar panels are affected by dirt and grime deposits.
Springs are experienced in cleaning solar panels on industrial, commercial and agricultural premises using pure water. Springfield Property Services has several premises across Burton where they offer quality serviced office space and backed the work that Springs has done for them in the past.

Every 10 Seconds A Skyscraper Window Washer Falls To His Death (NEW YORK): A study released Monday by the Department of Labor found that every 10 seconds, on average, a window washer somewhere in the United States accidentally plummets to his or her death. "One would expect an occasional fatality in this occupation, but our research indicates that whether a rope snaps or a slip-and-trip situation occurs, more than 8,500 window washers are killed each day," said statistician Carl Eberling, adding that during a half-hour stroll through Manhattan, one is likely to see 15 to 25 workers hit the pavement, depending on the neighborhood. "Even with strict safety measures in place, the truth is, it just gets really windy up there." Eberling noted that at Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, it is not unusual for one window washer to be smashing into the ground while a second flails and screams in midair and a third, somewhere above, is beginning to lose balance.

Stephen Murphy claims the Glasgow-born multi-millionaire has not settled her bill for his last three visits to her £1.5million mansion in the village of Thorntonhall near the city.
Bra tycoon who's meant to help small firms 'has failed to pay her window cleaner': Publicity hungry Michelle Mone accused of withholding £120 from employee: She is the publicity-hungry lingerie tycoon chosen by David Cameron to be Britain’s small business tsar. But Michelle Mone is already accused of letting one such enterprise down: her window cleaner says she owes him £120. Stephen Murphy claims the Glasgow-born multi-millionaire has not settled her bill for his last three visits to her £1.5million mansion in the village of Thorntonhall near the city.
He said 43-year-old Miss Mone, who on Thursday was announced as a new life peer, asked him to start cleaning her windows after she saw him working for a neighbour. For around a year after that he claims he was paid regularly. But Mr Murphy said his invoice of £40 for each of the last three cleans appeared to have been ignored.
He said he had sent reminders, made a formal request for cash and even visited the headquarters of her business, Ultimo, to seek payment – all without success. He believes the final window cleaning visits came during the death throes of Miss Mone’s marriage to her then business partner Michael, shortly before she moved out. They have since divorced acrimoniously.
But Mr Murphy is in no doubt that Miss Mone was living in the house at the time of the visits for which he has yet to be paid – and on at least one of them, she opened the door to him. ‘It might not be a big deal to her but I’ve just bought a new house and have two kids,’ he said. ‘That £120 could be the worktops for my new kitchen.’
A spokesman for Miss Mone, who has now resigned from the Ultimo board, said: ‘Michelle moved out of this house two years ago. 'She has never heard of Stephen Murphy and her office has no record of any invoice from him.’

Illegal immigration: Minister pledges crackdown on 'rogue employers' - Businesses that employ illegal workers will be hit with "the full force of government machinery", immigration minister James Brokenshire has warned. He said "rogue employers" who give work to illegal migrants were denying UK citizens jobs, driving down wages and gaining an "unfair advantage".
The Times says immigration officers are to carry out raids on cleaning firms, building sites and care homes. But Labour's Yvette Cooper said the Home Office should "still do more". BBC political correspondent Robin Brant said ministers were trying to "enhance" practical measures to combat illegal workers, rather than bring in new measures.

The cash economy in fact: the window cleaner who does it for cash, no VAT being payable. And presumably, if they’re not paying VAT then they’re not paying the correct income tax and national insurance as well. As above, it’s difficult to imagine the level of police state that would be necessary to stamp this out. But more than that, we all know that if you tax something you get less of it. And a goodly portion of that grey economy simply would not exist if it were taxed at the roughly 40% of economic activity that the British state demands as its due. It’s not just that it happens now but doesn’t pay tax: it’s that if it were effectively taxed then it wouldn’t happen and there would still be no tax. Sure, OK, more dirty windows is hardly a tragedy for a modern economy. But it’s not something that aids with tax revenues is it?

A local merchant complained to ZIP Line about a window cleaner who was working on some second-story windows and fell off his ladder. “On the way down,” the shopkeeper said, “he damaged my neon sign to the tune of $93.50.” Evidently reimbursement from the poor fellow was not forthcoming. (It reminded me of something my mother once said to me: “If you fall out of that tree and break both your legs, don’t come running to me.”)

Far from home - Hundreds of thousands of Nepalese have signed up to work in Qatar in preparation for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. In the wake of the recent earthquakes, earning enough to send home to family is even more vital. But many Nepalese are forced to work long hours for pay far less than promised. 
Even then, many workers get a big surprise upon reaching Qatar: Their jobs – and pay – turn out to be less than expected. Ms. Yongan’s husband, for example, was hired as a security guard. Instead, the former English teacher (who couldn’t support his family on $30 a month) wound up a window cleaner, dangling in the sun from Doha skyscrapers. The agency that sent Mr. Tamang to Qatar said he’d earn $330 a month. But he was paid one-third less than that – despite, says a brother-in-law who also made the trip, working 12 hours a day, six days a week, until the day he died.

Giant spiders like this one, caught in a glass, are about to invade our homes looking for a warm, dry place to mate.
Giant spiders on the lookout for a place to mate - inside your home: Reports suggest there have been more spiders than usual this summer. And as Kate Whiting reports, things are about to get worse. And although the description ‘monster’ is a little far-fetched it does sum up the fact that, despite most of them being completely harmless, spiders are high on many people’s list of least favourite wild creature – even though the vast majority do an important job catching and eating flies that are, arguably, even more of a nuisance.
But if recent reports are anything to go by, arachnophobes could be in for a stressful few weeks – because according to the spider experts, or arachnologists, there’s an army of a new breed of ‘giant’ spiders about to invade our homes to lay their eggs. According to arachnologist Chris Ayre, one of the biggest spiders in Europe, Eratigena atrica, is looking for a dry, warm place to mate and our homes will provide the perfect love-nest.
As the weather turns cooler and wetter this month, ‘giant house spiders’, which are relatives of the domestic house spider and can grow up to 12cm long, will be searching for a place out of the cold and wet of autumn “Spiders don’t specifically want to enter your home; in fact, they’d rather stay away as there’s less food and it’s too dry and clean,” says Simon Garrett, head of learning at Bristol Zoological Society, which runs Living With Spiders phobia courses.
“Most species of spider stay outside all the time and never come in houses. However, in autumn, mature male house spiders start to move around in search of mates. “Although most remain outside, some will move into a house if there is an entry point for them. It is this need to mate that changes their behaviour, so it seems as though they suddenly come from nowhere at certain times.”
Apparently, while the females rarely leave their nests, and only then to feed, the males are often spotted from now until October, wandering around looking for a mate. The females can lay hundreds of eggs and in each egg sac, there can be up to 60 ‘spiderlings’. Like many spiders, these brown bugs seek out corners to build their webs, so you’ll spot them between boxes in cellars, behind cupboards, in attics, near window openings and in other spots where they’re relatively undisturbed.
However hard you try there is, unfortunately, not a lot you can do to stop them coming into your house. Mr Garrett says: “If they come across any small opening, they can easily get in. “Some people say you can stop spiders using conkers, but after a short time they dry up and nothing will really repel them fully. The best you can do is make sure there aren’t any leaky pipes or openings.”
But he says the good news is, that however intimidating they look these giants prefer to run away than attack humans and although they can bite, the bites aren’t harmful. That said they can apparently sting a little if they manage to pierce the skin. “Very few species of spider will bite people and of those that try, only a small number can even break our skin,” says Garrett. “There are no inherently deadly species of spider found in the UK as their venom is designed for killing much smaller, simpler creatures for food, such as insects.”

COLUMBUS – A broken window led to the death of a Columbus resident Saturday afternoon. Columbus Police Captain Todd Thalken says a 69-year-old woman was cleaning a window at a residence in northwest Columbus when the glass broke, causing her to fall through the window. Thalken says neighbors reportedly called an ambulance and she was transported to the Columbus Community Hospital. The reported cause of death is blood loss due to a cut artery.

Couple celebrate wedding in 'dream' venue after Sentinel appeal: Loved-up couple Rachel Colclough and Craig Plant celebrated their marriage in a 'dream' venue on Saturday – thanks to The Sentinel. The pair had been left heartbroken after finding out by chance their planned reception venue – the Norton Cricket Club and Miners Welfare Institute – had closed just days before the wedding. While they were able to secure the Smallthorne Pioneer Club as an alternative venue, they said it was 'not ideal' for a wedding. But after hearing their story in The Sentinel last week, Sneyd Green Community Hall chairman John Reynolds contacted Rachel and offered the Ralph Drive facility for free – just 24 hours before the wedding.
Now the duo – who first met after Craig sent Rachel a friend request on Facebook six years ago before their first date at a bowling alley in Festival Park – are looking forward to a honeymoon in Cyprus this October after their wedding at Hanley Register Office. Window cleaner Craig, aged 33, said: "I was chuffed. While we were really grateful for their offer, I wasn't happy with the Pioneer because a wedding's a one-time thing and I wanted it to be special. "I don't think Rachel could speak at first – she was in shock and dead happy. It feels great to have helped a local couple."

After 50 years in the music business Van Morrison – born in Belfast 70 years ago, on August 31st, 1945 – has no game to play, no impression to make, no line to sell, no image to construct or maintain. His music and his creativity are still what matter most. In the age of celebrity nothing is quite so incomprehensible as someone who hates fame. There are many ways to play the fame game: some suck it up insatiably, some hide ostentatiously from it, making reclusiveness an even more elite brand of celebrity.
You don’t have to spend long with Van Morrison to realise that his relationship with fame is one of deep, honest and implacable hatred. He experiences it neither as an addictive high nor as an inconvenience that comes with his territory but as a kind of punishment, the world’s revenge for all those moments of ecstasy and exhilaration he has achieved in his art.
Cleaning windows is one that comes into the songs, obviously?
VM: Well, that was only because I bought a run. This guy I knew, he sold me this run for very cheap, because he was retiring, and so he gave it to me for a few quid. So I had my own kind of business then.
How old were you then?
VM: Fifteen.
Were you still in school?
VM: Just left school. No, no, I was older than that. I must have been 16, because I had about five jobs before that.
So you obviously had this work ethic: it was just there?
VM: Ya, but the fact about it is that you didn’t go around saying, “I had the work ethic.” It’s just what people did. People didn’t have time to think about what it is: you either did it or you didn’t do it. There was no time for pondering. I find in retrospect a lot of it is romanticised, and mythologised, but early on there wasn’t any of that. It’s a job like any other job, and if you wanted to do it, and loved doing it, then it was a good job. So that’s the way you looked at it.

These workers have to save for 100 years to buy a home - how long will you be waiting?  Workers in certain jobs had better get used to renting, because it could take a century to save up enough for a mortgage. Bar staff, cleaners and waiters would have to save for more than 200 years to find a big enough deposit for a house. But lollipop men and women have to slave away for more than 500 years to have a chance of getting on the property ladder.
That’s the findings of online estate agent HouseSimple. Researchers looked at how long it would take workers on different salaries to save enough for the typical first-time buyer house valued at £202,765 and meet the lenders’ affordability tests. They assumed workers saving £1 in every £10 of their take-home pay. Dental nurses, receptionists and window cleaners would have to toil for more than 100 years to save enough. But pilots and IT directors could put down a deposit almost immediately.

Cam Specialist Support commits to living wage: All employees at window cleaning firm Cam Specialist Support will receive the living wage of £7.85 per hour, or £9.50 in London. This is higher than the current national minimum wage of £6.50 per hour, and will be paid to all those working for the organisation regardless of whether they are permanent employees or third-party contractors and suppliers.
The living wage is an hourly rate set by the Living Wage Foundation and updated annually. It is distinct from the national living wage announced in the Summer Budget 2015. Matt Johnson managing director, at Cam Specialist Support, said: “Paying a wage that people can actually live on is absolutely the right thing to do morally and financially. Our employees are people not commodities. “We want to attract and retain quality staff and so reward them accordingly. As a London-based organisation, we pay the living wage of at least £9.15 per hour in London.”

Batting a thousand at cleaning windows: I do windows. Unfortunately, I do them every couple of years, which gives the windows plenty of time to get dirty, and even then it is clear that I don’t do them very well because I have always considered the job a pane in the glass. This year, I let a professional end my losing streak, which was, of course, in each window.
Enter (through the front door, not a window) David Wright, owner of Mr. Wright’s Window Cleaning of Centerport, New York. Not to be confused with the New York Mets slugger of the same name (“He doesn’t do windows as well as I do, but I can’t hit a baseball as well as he can”), Wright was a lawyer, a financial analyst and a monk before devoting his life to letting the sunshine into the lives of others by cleaning their windows. “I want to make people happy,” Wright said. “And a lot of people are happy when their windows are clean.”
I knew I would be happy if my windows were clean because it also would give happiness to my wife, Sue, who had been after me for the past two years to use Windex and a roll of paper towels, not to mention a little elbow grease, to clean the windows. “Elbow grease is a prime source of smudges and streaks,” I told her. Sue wasn’t buying it, which is why I ended up buying a reasonably priced cleaning package (10 windows for $49) so she could finally meet Mr. Wright.
“I’m David,” he said, introducing himself to Sue. “I’m here to clean your windows.” Sue swooned. “Thank you,” she replied. “They could use it.” Wright started on the outside, where he told me that his wife, Joanne, likes the way he does the windows at their house but wishes he would do them more often. “I’m working seven days a week,” he said, adding that he started the business last year and will be joined next year by his son Collier, a U.S. Army Ranger who is serving in Iraq. “So I don’t have the time to do our windows too often.” 
“That excuse isn’t going to work for me,” I said. “You’ll have to think of another one,” Wright said as he used a water-fed pole with a nylon brush to clean the outside of the windows in the living, dining and family rooms. “Nylon?” I said. “Theoretically, I could clean windows with my wife’s stockings.” “Theoretically,” Wright responded, “it wouldn’t be a good idea.” What would be a good idea, he added, is to use resin instead of soap. “I’m using it now,” he said. “It’s much more effective.”
As he worked, Wright, who is 53, told me that he started out as a lawyer (“If you go to the bathroom, bring work with you so you can bill your clients”), then got into financial services before giving up all his material possessions and spending time in a monastery, where he decided he wanted to make people happy for a living. “I am doing my second-favorite thing,” he said, referring to cleaning windows, which allows him to meditate while he works.
“What’s your favorite thing?” I inquired. “I’d like to be a professional poker player,” Wright said. “But my wife doesn’t think it’s a safe bet.” When we moved inside, Wright said that customers always kid him about having the same name as the Mets star. “They’ll say, ‘When you finish with my windows, are you going to Citi Field?’ Maybe I should give them my autograph,” said Wright, who cleaned the windows with a long razor blade encased in a scraper. He also used a squeegee and a scrubber made of lamb’s wool and AstroTurf.
“And I use Dawn,” he said. “Who’s she?” I asked. “The person you can get to clean your windows,” said Wright, though he really meant the dishwashing liquid. “Don’t tell your wife, but most windows are dirtier on the inside than they are on the outside.” I didn’t tell Sue, who was nonetheless amazed when Wright was finished. “Wow!” she squealed. “These windows have never been so clean.” “The trick,” Wright said, “is to keep them that way.” “I’ll do my part,” I said. “In two years, I’ll give you another call.”

Thousands of Trucks Are Eligible for Buyback Over Defective Steering. Is Yours One of Them? Fiat Chrysler has agreed to buy back up to half a million Dodge Ram pickup trucks after some repairs that were performed as a result of recalls proved unsuccessful. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said the recalled trucks have defective steering parts that can cause drivers to lose control of the vehicle.
In addition to the Dodge Rams, Chrysler is also allowing consumers to trade in their older jeeps or have the automaker pay for the necessary repairs to fix the rear-mounted gas tanks that could cause fires if the vehicles get hit from the back.
However, Ram owners don’t have to sell their trucks back if they don’t want to. While the automaker has agreed to buy them back from the consumers who don’t want them anymore, it is also offering to pay them back for repairs that have proved unsuccessful on some other trucks.
Fiat Chrysler is also being forced to pay as much as $105 million as part of a larger legal settlement with federal regulators. It has been accused of misconduct while handling at least 23 recalls affecting more than 11 million vehicles.
The settlement includes a $70 million fine, $20 million for outreach to let customers know about the recall and $15 million if the automaker violates any of the deal’s requirements. Dodge Ram models that are being included in the buyback are Ram 1500s from 2009 to 2012, Ram 1500 Mega Cab 4 by 4 from 2008 Ram 2500 4 by 4, 3500 4 by 4, 4500 4 by 4, and 5500 4 by 4 from 2008-2012. 2009 Chrysler Aspen, Dodge Durango SUVs and the Dodge Dakota from 2009-2011 are also among the vehicles that are eligible for buyback.

Hundreds of bikers pay their respects to Shoreham Airshow disaster victims: Hundreds of bikers paid their respects to victims of the Shoreham Airshow disaster with a Ride of Respect. Organised by the West Sussex Bikers group, around 250 motorcyclists travelled from Halfords, in Downlands Business Park, Upper Brighton Road, Worthing, along the A27 to the Shoreham Tollbridge at 7.30pm on Saturday. Giovanna Chirico, the fiancée of 54-year-old victim Mark Trussler (pictured), was among the riders. The window cleaner and a father-of-six was one of two bikers killed in the crash - the other Mark Reeves. Miss Chirico and Mr Trussler's children lay a wreath and flowers on the bridge. Organiser Andy Parmenter, thanked everyone who took part and extended his thoughts to the families of the 11 victims. Donations were collected for the Shoreham Crash Fund and more than £165 was raised. The window cleaner was riding his motorbike along the A27 when he was caught in the accident. His fiancé, Giovanna Chirico, called him an “amazing dad” whose last words to her were: “I love you too, forever.”

Colby Amparan Wins FW City Championship: “It’s my first win in a long time, I know that,” he said, while trying to recall his last golf victory. “I really thought after the front nine, I had a chance. I was 4 under and figured if I played the back nine even par, that would be the number to beat.” Amaparan, an accomplished musician who never got around to joining the Baylor golf team, came close to matching his target, hanging on over the closing stretch to shoot 1-over 37 and win by three shots.
“I love the game still, there’s no doubt,” he said. “I’ve got a window cleaning company and we’ve been growing the last couple of years. “I didn’t know whether I wanted to play golf, play music or continue running my business after college, so I tried some minitour events, but I was at a big disadvantage. I saw some promise and knew I had some work to do, but I’m so glad I chose to grow my business and now I just enjoy the game.”

Butte artist Jay Bressette instills confidence in browsers hankering to pat the elegant harps, hurdy-gurdy and wooden hinged books in his inaugural art show. As part of the monthly Artwalk on Friday, Bressette, 47, displays for the first time his crafted, playable harps and other unique items. “I only do one-of-a-kind – I will never do two-of-a-kind,” said Bressette, a Saginaw, Mich., native who has lived in Butte for 15 years. A maple-and-walnut harp, posed elegantly on a table in host artist Martha Cooney’s Art Gallery and Teaching Studio, 8 W. Park St., Suite 301, is his signature piece.
Butte artist Jay Bressette of Artistic Wood Solutions, shows his work at the Martha U. Cooney Art Gallery and Teaching Studio, Suite 301 of the Metals Bank Building, 8 W. Park St., as part of the Friday Artwalk, which runs from 5 to 9 p.m. at Uptown venues. He uses mostly saws, chisels and planes – nothing too cutting-edge to create his pieces. “I like the old-style stuff,” he said. To support his artist’s habit, Bressette runs a window cleaning service.

Haverhill responds to refugee crisis with donations: The people of Haverhill are responding to the refugee crisis with donations of blankets, clothes and food. The response has been organised by window cleaner Bryan Johnson, 40, who put out a call for donations on Facebook and is storing everything he collects in his spare room. Mr Johnson, who lives in Gannet Close, said: "The response has been absolutely fantastic. It's really brought out the best in the town. There have been people that wanted to help but didn't have an avenue. It's a chance for people to help."
He had the idea for the collection on Sunday, and by Tuesday he already had thirty bags of donations, half-filling his spare room. His friend Adam Mepham is going to be driving the donations down to a collection centre in Kent. From there, the donations from people in Haverhill will be taken across the channel and distributed in Calais.
Mr Johnson said: "Obviously everyone was massively affected by coverage of children washed up on beaches. I have been following the situation for years if not months and I though as a nation if we are prepared to go in and take military action in these countries we should also be prepared to mop up the mess. I had the time to help in some way and that's what I'm doing."
He is also planning on organising a fundraising evening a Bar Vu in Haverhill towards the end of October. He has organised lighting, DJs and venue hire for free, so all money raised from entrance fees at the event will go directly towards helping people. The proceeds of the planned October event will go either to a French charity working on the ground in Calais, or towards buying more donations to send out. Mr Johnson is still looking for help with security, and for more donations. What is needed in particular, he says, is camping equipment such as tarpaulins, sleeping bags, tents and candles.

Extreme weather may be the new normalLawn-care companies, window-washers, car-wash operations and many other water-dependent businesses have suffered and/or cancelled much-needed jobs. Now, it seems we have two options: Remain optimistic, “Stay Calm and Carry On” on as though this summer was merely a blip or, plan for the worst even while hoping for something better for 2016.
What I’d like to see is for all municipalities in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley (perhaps even Union of B.C. Municipalities) to form expert advisory committees to develop a plan of action based on the assumption that rain and snow events will continue at below normal levels.
If that could be done, it is essential for members of the public to be involved — because the necessary changes will not succeed unless regulators can achieve a high level of cooperation from their communities.
In his closing remarks to me, Patzert said, “You are living in a warmer world and should expect punier snow-packs … plan for less snowpack in the future. This will change how you manage your water in British Columbia — forever.” “In summary,” he said, “I suggest you change your water lifestyles. Water and energy conservation should be permanent because, as Yogi Bera said, ‘the future ain’t what it used to be.’ ”

Saving water means turning tap on change; Most people do not understand the relationship between water used on a daily basis for bathing, washing and drinks versus water consumed through food habits. What if I told you that 92% of the water we use is in food production?  In total, we need over three million litres of water for producing 200 kilograms of boneless beef. This means that to produce one kilogram of boneless beef, we need 15,500 litres of water. For those lunch pub crowd employees, did you know it’s around 2,400 litres for just one hamburger?
The solution is simple. Encourage employees to change their consumption habits to vegetarian or vegan foodstuffs for either breakfast or lunch. Whether it’s one meal a day or three meals a week, every time we switch to a vegan or vegetarian meal we are conserving more water than we would with any other solution. Companies do not have to change their respective manufacturing or distribution processes. The amount of water used in these processes overall is insignificant compared to the amount used for our daily food choices – meat- or plant-based.
We developed our food line in order to provide rich, dense, plant-based whole foods specifically to battle environmental degradation caused by our industrial food complex and to enable greater health.
If we don’t change what we eat some of the time, we will all run out of water. It’s not sustainable, our current system.
Due to ongoing hot and dry weather and the associated high water demand, Metro Vancouver has implemented the third stage of water-use restrictions, prohibiting the sprinkling of all lawns and residential gardens, pool refilling and non-commercial washing of vehicles and boats. Reducing our water consumption is necessary to ensure we’ll have enough water for use in our homes and businesses and for critical community needs like firefighting through the rest of summer and into the fall.
We understand that water restrictions affect businesses, particularly those that depend upon outdoor water use like pressure washing, window cleaning, landscaping and pool services. We also understand that Metro Vancouver residents and businesses want to do the right thing and conserve water. Our restrictions are designed to address the biggest summer water consumers while minimizing effects on businesses.
Although now is a critical time, businesses can conserve water year-round by using low-flow fixtures, repairing leaks and designing their operations to use less water. For companies that use large amounts of water, conservation can save money as well.

Understanding Window U-Factor: Windows account for 40 percent of a building’s energy loss, and with energy costs and public demand for efficient buildings on the rise, using proven tactics to lessen this loss has become more important than ever.
Finding the best materials to contribute to a building’s performance targets is essential, but knowing which products will actually shrink the envelope’s energy footprint can be daunting. When it comes to windows, U-factor is a key figure to consider and comes standard on all National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) labels.
U-factor indicates how much energy will be lost from a building through its windows by specifying how many BTUs can pass through one square foot of material in an hour. Most windows today have U-factors between 0.15 and 1.20, which NFRC-certified labs calculate using thermal measurements from the center and edges of the glass, the frame and along any dividers the window may have. In other words, whole product performance. The different measurements capture the total impact of the numerous components of a window, including glazing, gas fills, spacers, frames, weather stripping and sealants.
When considering a fenestration product, “window shoppers” should look for the NFRC label, which provides U-factor data, along with information for solar heat gain, visible transmittance and air leakage.
Like the miles-per-gallon sticker on a car, the NFRC label – which can be affixed to the glass of all certified residential products or on a separate label certificate in the case of products in commercial applications – gives reliable, unbiased performance data to help architects, builders and even homeowners determine whether a product will meet their energy efficiency needs.
While NFRC does not recommend target U-factor values, the Efficient Windows Collaborative gives suggested thresholds based on climate zones:

·Northern states: 0.35 or less
·North Central or South Central states: 0.40 or less
·Southern states: 0.60 or less

The ENERGY STAR® program, which relies on NFRC ratings to determine product eligibility, uses even stricter limits:
·Northern, North Central and South Central states: 0.30 or less
·Southern states: 0.40 or less.

Since NFRC began rating fenestration products more than 25 years ago, the program has helped to foster a 50 percent reduction in the average U-factor of certified products, a trend that has helped lower U.S. per-capita energy consumption to pre-1970 levels. As state and federal energy policies and building codes evolve, window manufacturers and builders will continue to find innovative solutions to curb window energy loss, helping to save Americans some of the $40 billion lost each year – and to significantly reduce the production of associated greenhouse gas emissions. For more information about U-factor and window energy performance, go here.

Darth Vader, Batman and friends clean windows and visit kids at Randall Children's Hospital: Superheroes and Star Wars characters personified by Millennium Building Services window washers join forces; descend nine stories at Randall Children's Hospital and give the pediatric hospital patients, their families and hospital staff an amazing experience when they mashup to clean the windows. As the workers passed the 4th floor, music was turned on and everyone in the room broke out in dance.

Window-washers can be heroes, too: On Monday morning, some of the patients at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital were clambering around the windows, all trying to catch a glimpse, and a photo, of the window-washers. These weren’t ordinary glass cleaners though; they were superheroes. Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man and Catwoman all paid a visit to the children’s hospital to wash the windows, but also to brighten the day for the young patients. Lowering themselves in front of the windows on ropes suspended from the roof, the costumed cleaners stopped outside the play rooms of the hospital long enough for pictures with the children and nurses inside, and of course, long enough to clean the windows.
As they lowered themselves down the building, the children inside were giving shrieks of excitement.
“It’s cool, it’s something for the kids,” said Jillian Gellert, whose 8-year-old daughter, Chloe Plummer, got a picture inside the hospital with a costumed Thor. “It maybe lets them forget for a little while that they’re here and they’re sick.” Thor, who goes by Ernest Eulenfeld when he’s not in costume, said washing windows for Sky Clean Inc. as a superhero is the best job he’s ever had. “To dress as the superheroes just brings it to a whole new level,” he said. “[The kids] see that, and it’s just awesome.” “When we do hospitals and stuff like this, the children stand at the windows and watch us just forever, it’s almost like they follow us from floor to floor,” Eulenfeld said. “I think they would if they could.”
Emma Hatcher, a 7-year-old patient at the hospital, said she was glad to see her favorite heroine, Catwoman. “She’s a cat and I like cats,” she said. The window washers were even popular with people on the street, with some drivers rolling down their windows to yell, clap and cheer on the heroes, said Michael Priestap, director of environmental services at the hospital. “The children’s faces were just lit up, they were just enjoying themselves so much,” he said. “We’re glad we’re able to bring a little smile to their face and joy to their life.”

Superheroes swing by Brenner Children’s Hospital: Young patients being treated at Brenner Children’s Hospital, the pediatric arm of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, received a surprise visit outside their hospital windows on one recent morning. Some of their favorite superheroes dropped by to encourage them while they received care at Brenner Children’s.
The superheroes are window washers by trade, but they took time out from washing windows to entertain the children by rappelling off the roof of the hospital down to the children’s floor. Scottie’s commercial window cleaners of Charlotte provides outside window washing services for the Medical Center. The crew spent the week washing all of the outside windows. The company provides the superhero treatment to children’s hospitals in the region.

Window washers from ISS Facility Services Inc. dressed as superheroes and rappelled the side of Saint Marys Hospital on Wednesday, much to the delight of children and their parents. The superheroes then came inside to entertain the kids and take photos. Superman is Alex Opstad, Spiderman is John Carroll, Batman is Roger Corcoran, Ironman is Sean Kraft, and Hulk is Shane Kraft.

Hershey Children’s Hospital received some super surprise visitors last week — Batman, Captain America, Spiderman, and Superman. The young onlookers could view the superheroes through the windows inside or from the front lawn. The special day, which marked the third annual appearance of the superheroes at the hospital, was a huge success. As the superheroes climbed down the building and reached the ground, they were surrounded by a waiting crowd before talking with the children and families and taking photos. Some reacted with tears and others with laughter, but either way the day brought everyone great joy.
“They’ve got to wake up each day and fight for their lives,” said Captain America, known by day as Michael DeJesus. “Today’s a day they forget about being in the hospital. It’s a small party just for them.” When the four superheroes are not busy fighting crime and saving others, they work as window washers for Northeastern Building Maintenance of Harrisburg. Their annual visit is coordinated by Penn State Hershey’s Child Life Program and Facilities Department and always provides an exciting day for children who have their own tough battles to fight.

Superheroes met with children on Tuesday after they descended from the roof down from washing windows at Mattel Children’s Hospital Westwood.
Superhero Window Washers Fight Grime At UCLA: Usually when one sees white, web-like cables descending the side of a building and there’s a red and blue clad hero at the end of them, they instantly think, “Spider-Man was here.” Well, that’s not entirely off the money. Spider-Man may live in New York, but he and a bunch of fellow superheroes from his native Marvel as well as DC universe came to perform a smaller, yet very important, super task at Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA in Westwood.
On Tuesday at 10 am, several patients, their parents, volunteers, and nurses of the hospital (some of whom were dressed up as well) gathered on the fifth- floor terrace to watch the window washers do their job, all of whom were in superhero garb. Kellye Carroll, the director of the Chase Child Life Program at Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA, clad in a Batman T-shirt, was excited about the third annual Superhero Day at UCLA.
“They get the costumes, it’s their staff, these guys are actually window washers by day, and for this one day a year, they put on the superhero costumes and come out,” Carroll said. “It allows our kids to feel like they’re not in the hospital. They’re in here for long periods of time. They can be in here for days and weeks and months on end – his gives them the opportunity to forget about the medicines, doctors, and the treatments, and just be a kid.”
After the heroes finished their job on the northern wall, they came out to have a meet and greet with the kids, dripping with sweat. The costumes of Spider-Man, Batman, The Hulk, Captain America had poor ventilation, with Wonder Woman’s breathable outfit saving her from the oppressive pre-noon sun that broke through the clouds right as the event started.
Marcus Gallo, the portrayer of Marvel character The Hulk in the “Grime Fighters” as they’re called, was on his first day of work when he was asked to don the costume and get into character. The kids loved it when he got angry, pounding his chest. “It’s great to take a day off of work, dress up as Hulk, and put smiles on these kids faces,” Gallo said. “There’s nothing more rewarding for me. You can’t do this all the time, you’d get heat stroke! “I have two kids, and I appreciate what these parents go through, the difficulties that the kids have, it’s great that I’m able to do this,” he said as he wiped the back of his neck.
Upon further conversing, it was revealed that this was Gallo’s first day on the job, and he actually had to volunteer to dress up as the Hulk in order to take the job. “What people do for work!” he joked, futilely wiping his brow before heading inside to air out. Gallo enjoys his job and what he does for the kids. The kids seemed to enjoy the meet and greet, ooh-ing and ahh-ing as the heroes shined up the windows, and even more mesmerized at the fact that they got to meet and take pictures with their idols.

Window washers dressed up as Spider-Man, Superman, Captain America and Catwoman as they cleaned the windows at East Tennessee Children's Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee, while the patients and their families watched from inside. 
"I think it's a great idea because my daughter's been in the hospital for a couple of days, and been in and out, and it was something to make her happy and excited and something different than staying in a hospital bed all day," mother Kyla Rollins told WVLT. The superheroes also posed for pictures with the children and signed autographs. 
"It makes me so happy! It's been a rough couple of weeks with recovery for my daughter, and so just to see a smile on her face means the world to me," Rollins said. "We do this for the children. It's all about the children, to make them laugh and smile. It's just all worth it," someone from Sky Clean Window Washers told WBIR. "To be in this room with them and when they turn around to see me and they smile, it's awesome,” window washer Ernest Euleufel said. 

Top 3 Tips for Attracting Tenants: When you approach from the outside what does the potential new tenants see? Is there peeling paint and an unkempt garden? Are the windows dirty and the door hanging ajar? The front of your house is the first thing potential new tenants will see. It may not be the most important thing they will be looking at as part of their checklist, but it’s what gives them their first impression of your house and of you as a landlord. A house that looks dirty with an overgrown garden tells the tenant they will have a landlord that doesn’t care about the property, and probably won’t respond quickly to any requests or problems in the future.
Also, take a bit of time to make sure the windows are clean and shiny – it doesn’t have to cost much to have a window cleaner come around for a few hours and make sure the house is looking its best. And if there’s any peeling paint, have that tidied up too. A rental property is your investment and in order to get the most from your investment, you need to take care of it. This includes regular maintenance on the exterior from time to time. I also recommend, while you have someone up on a ladder doing the windows, asking them to clean out the gutters as well. This can save many damp headaches down the road!

BREAKING NEWS: Ed Balls to start as Condé Nast window cleaner - Balls out? Not so fast! A couple of hours ago things were looking somewhat lonely and desolate for the former shadow chancellor but we can officially announce that Ed Balls is to start as British GQ's new window cleaner at the magazine's London headquarters on Hanover Square.
With Labour not only on the proverbial ropes but K.O-ed in the first round by an army of shy Tories (many of whom are so ashamed of their winning party that the vast majority are still feigning outrage and sorrow in front of family members and work colleagues), ousted Labour MPs will be looking for new jobs this morning.
But not Balls, who was chosen by GQ, not for his affinity for elbow grease - duh! -  but purely for his staunchness for paperwork, something that in the print business we know all about. He might not get the job done, he might not know what to charge, save or spend on materials but what he knows how to do is write a receipt.
And that's the important thing, right Ed? I mean, look how far that sort of attention to the humdrum has got you. Now, despite what you have been through these last 24 hours, we won't be giving you any preferable treatment I'm afraid. You'll start from the bottom and work your way up - all the way to the roof.
Welcome aboard Balls! Dry your eyes, grab that chamois and start polishing. We want to see Nicola Sturgeon's grin in the glass before lunchtime! Remember: if window cleaning doesn't work out there's always space in the fashion cupboard as an intern - we need help sorting out the red jumpers from the blue and the yellow. Although admittedly this isn't going to take you very long…  Don't thank us, thank Russell Brand!

More seniors mean more business opportunities in Delaware: David Hald, the owner of Dave's Residential Window Cleaning & Home Maintenance Service, said a large portion of his business also involves doing things for older customers that they likely would have done for themselves only a few years earlier. "My main income is window cleaning, but more and more over the years, I've taken on jobs doing little things for seniors that are too small for most contractors to take on, like fixing doors and repairing shutters," he said. "I love working for seniors because they treat me like a son, even though I'm almost 50 myself and not that much younger than they are." Many of the small businesses focused on serving older Delawareans are being started by entrepreneurs in the same 50 and older age group as their customers.

Cult Energy team saved thanks to new sponsor Stölting Group - German company helps Danish team safeguard Professional Continental status: The Stölting Group specialises in cleaning, security and human resources, and is based in Gelsenkirchen. Originally founded in 1899 as a window cleaning business, Stölting Group now has 5,000 employees in Germany. The resurgence of interest in professional cycling in Germany appears to have helped bring the two teams together. This year the Giant-Alpecin WorldTour team is registered in Germany thanks to new sponsorship from Alpecin and the success of German riders such as Marcel Kittel and John Degenkolb. “This is a big day for us and I’m proud to let you all know that with this agreement, we will continue having a strong team in the years to come at Pro Continental level,” directeur sportif Michael Skelde said in a special press conference in Denmark announcing the news.

Chinese national pleads not guilty to murder of sex worker Ting Fang in Adelaide: A Chinese national has pleaded not guilty to murdering a prostitute found in an Adelaide hotel room on New Year's Day. Chungaung Piao today faced the Adelaide Magistrates Court by video link from prison.
The 28-year-old is accused of using a window cleaning blade to kill 25-year-old Ting Fang. Her body was found in a room of the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hindley Street after water started seeping into the corridor and a room below. The court previously heard Ms Fang, a sex worker from Sydney, suffered extremely serious injuries and her neck was cut. The court has also heard that Piao was on a bridging visa and had been living in Australia for four years with his wife and young son. Piao's case was referred to the Supreme Court for trial.

“Cannabis ruined my life” - When Andy Davies smoked his first joint at the age of nine, cannabis became the catalyst for the rest of his life. He tells AASMA DAY his belief that cannabis has ruined his life. At the age of nine, most young lads are kicking a football with their mates or hooked to the latest console game. However, when Andy Davies was nine, he was experiencing his first drag from a joint of cannabis. Andy, now 44 who lives at the Emmaus community in Ribbleton, Preston, grew up in Wales. He recalls: “Cannabis was rife in those days - everyone was doing it. “When I was nine, everyone around me was smoking cannabis. There was nothing else to do in Wales.
“I liked the way it made me feel. It wasn’t like being drunk. It was more a floaty feeling. Andy says: “Drugs and alcohol became part of my life from an early age. It was more to be in with the lads at school. You don’t want to be seen as a snob and want to be part of the crowd. “Those using cannabis and drinking seemed to be having a lot more fun than everyone else.”Andy paid for his cannabis and alcohol with money earned from his paper round and window-cleaning jobs.
He says: “I used to get my older brother to buy cider for me - and he’d get me cannabis too. “After first trying cannabis at nine, I carried on smoking it whenever I could. “I smoked it at least two or three times a week. “I wasn’t addicted - it was my choice because I liked it. “Little did I know when I took my first drag of cannabis that I’d end up smoking it for the next 30 odd years. “I knew a lot about drugs from an early age because my brother Peter was a heroin addict. Andy believes cannabis led to him ruining his life and disagrees with people who describe it as “harmless”. He believes it is a gateway drug. He explains: “Cannabis itself is not the problem, but when people try it, they soon get bored and start experimenting with other drugs looking for a deeper thrill.

'I was knocked over by my ex-girlfriend in Gloucester but I love her' - Window cleaner Danny Birchall said he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend despite her being arrested on suspicion of attempting to murder him. The 24-year-old from Gloucester is currently in intensive care at Southmead Hospital, Bristol, after suffering three blood clots to the brain, another to his kidney, a fractured rib, shoulder and skull when he was hit by a car last week. Danny was struck by a black Citroen C4 in Gouda Way at about 7.40pm on Saturday, August 15. Gloucestershire Constabulary reported the driver of the car drove off and the vehicle was later recovered in Milton Avenue, Gloucester.
While still conscious and breathing, Danny was taken to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital but he was later transferred to the Bristol hospital. His ex-girlfriend, a 23-year-old woman from Gloucester, has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. But he insists that he still loves her and has pleaded with the public not to judge her alleged actions. "I still love her, I love her to pieces," he said. "She is not an evil person."
Danny said the pair had been dating for 10 years before they broke up a month ago. The woman was initially arrested on suspicion of assault but that has now been changed to attempted murder. She has been bailed by police pending further inquiries until September 22. A police spokesman said: "A 24-year-old Gloucester man was found injured following a collision with a car. "The driver of the car failed to stop. "Paramedics were on the scene and the man was transported to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and later to Southmead Hospital in Bristol where his condition is currently stable.

From Humble Beginnings To A Diverse Enterprise: Despite having roots dating back 1909, ABM probably still isn't on many investors' radar screens. But you should get to know this firm. It has come a long way from humble beginnings as a one-man window-washing service.
Janitorial services have long been the heart and soul of ABM and still generate about half of revenue. The rest of the sales base is derived from a diverse lineup of service offerings such as maintenance and management of electrical and climate-control systems (with a focus on energy efficiency), security services, landscaping and parking management.
Today, ABM serves thousands of customers with many types of nonresidential properties, from office buildings and educational institutions, to airports and stadiums. Dodger Stadium, Cornell University and the Los Angeles Convention Center are among the firm's high-profile clients.

Jim Davidson has announced a show at Bedworth Civic Hall. The comedian - who has been awarded an OBE - will perform his brand-new show, Charlton Nil, at the venue in Warwickshire on November 20. The son of a Glaswegian father, born and bred in Charlton, the tour is all about Jim’s previous experiences ranging from drummer to window cleaner via shelf stacker.
It’s guaranteed to be the most irreverent, outrageous and truthful show of Jim’s to date. Last year proved to be a big year for Jim Davidson, starting in January when he won the most successful Celebrity Big Brother in the show’s history. The comedian - who has been an acclaimed comic for nearly 40 years - says: "I can’t wait to get back out on the road and perform again. People know what to expect when they come to see me and I can’t wait to start performing my new material and seeing the audience reaction.

Nick Allen window cleaner.
Nick Allen window cleaner:  I have been cleaning windows in the Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and Prestbury for over 30 years (I started when I was 16). Last year I moved over to the reach and clean system, mainly for health and safety reasons. Though I, as well as my costumers are very impressed with the results. It cleans all the frames every time, I can clean easily and safely windows over conservatory roofs, tile roofs, flat roofs and also Velux windows. I can also clean windows in awkward places as well as 5 floors high. I also clean solar panels, if solar panels are clean they are 20% more efficient. My system uses pure hot water, which cuts through the dirt and grime much easier than cold water.
I have over 100 customers that I have worked for for over 20 years, and more than 30 customers that I have worked for for over 30 years. Having been in business for so long, I have learnt what customers want. I think I provide an unrivalled service.

Alex Christofi, Glass: London’s skyline is the unsung hero of Alex Christofi’s Glass. Protagonist Günter Glass is an aspiring window cleaner who mops the 72-storey Shard, somehow managing to foil a suspected terrorist plot in the process. The book, says Christofi, ‘is a coming-of-age story for the generation that came into adulthood at the time of the financial crash.’ Glass, a 23-year-old redundant milkman — his name is a nod to both the German novelist and the crystalline structures he cleans — is an underdog, a young man trying to find something to do in the city: ‘I wanted to play with that genre of the naïve first-person narrator.’
As his day job, Christofi, 27, works as a literary agent (he’s currently between firms). Glass’ profession was inspired by a decade of walking along the South Bank, gazing up at the London Eye and the Shard. ‘I kept seeing people abseiling down buildings with squeegees,’ he says. ‘The Shard in particular brought the book together. At first it was this dirty pillar that didn’t look anything like a shard, but it was becoming this great building that couldn’t have existed a century ago. As an idea, it allowed me to talk about our philosophy as a city.’
Christofi grew up in Bournemouth, the middle of three brothers. ‘They have proper jobs in finance. I’m the black sheep,’ he laughs. He moved to Brixton after completing his English degree at Oxford and now does much of his writing in the café at the Ritzy cinema. Has he ever attempted any window-cleaning of his own? ‘I’m terrified of heights,’ he laughs. ‘Absolutely terrified. In many ways, this book is my nightmare.’ Fortunately for him, it’s a reader’s dream. 

'I FEEL GREAT': Window cleaner Andy Walsh at Kingston Boxing Club where he lost 4st and regained his fitness after an accident.
Window cleaner Andy Walsh uses boxing to lose 4st and get fit after accident: When an accident left Andy Walsh laid up for months, unable to do anything, he piled on the pounds. Now, 18 months later, he has shed four-and-a-half stone to become an amateur boxer. Mr Walsh, 29, of Ashby Road, Hessle, says he needed to do something after his weight rose to just above 16st during his recovery. He said: "I was run over and the accident mangled both my hands. "I spent eight months laid up on the couch not being able to do anything. "I was doing a lot of comfort eating and had to be looked after 24 hours a day."
Mr Walsh, who lives with partner Zena, 35, stepson Joseph, 16, and son Rubin, 16 months, endured eight months of physiotherapy before he was able to get back on his feet. He said: "I needed to lose weight and I was invited to Kingston Boxing Club. "The first time I went in, I felt a bit like a puppy among wolves. "I was 28 years old walking into a boys' boxing gym. I said to myself, 'right, I need to lose this weight, this is the most important thing."
After training for a few weeks, Mr Walsh decided he wanted to have a go in the ring. He said: "I had watched a lot of sparring and thought, 'maybe I can don the gloves'. "When I first got in the ring, there were butterflies, it was a mad feeling, but there was this overwhelming feeling that I really liked it." It was then he decided to take the next step and train to compete. He said: "My first fight was immense, it was an overwhelming feeling. "I really enjoyed it. I pushed the kid into the corners but he got the decision."
Mr Ashby, a window cleaner, says stepping into the gym for the first time 18 months ago has transformed his life. He said: "I feel great in myself now. "I can run without getting out of breath and I am competing. "I love the thrill of it and shedding the pounds has meant my window cleaning round has been cut shorter by two hours." Steve Pollard, the club coach, said: "When I first saw Andy, he was quite a large person. "He told us he had come along because he wanted to lose weight. "He enjoyed coming and he started to get really good at it."
Mr Pollard says, while Andy is still learning to become a technically better boxer, his work rate is second to none. He said: "What he lacks in skill he more than makes up for in endeavour and heart. "His training philosophy is to have a high work rate. "He is an ordinary, down to earth kid who gives everything he has. "He walked in off the street and has totally changed his life."

How prevailing wage works: “Prevailing wage” is a term used more often by trade unions or multi-discipline employers. Prevailing wages are actually inflated wages  to insure that certain tradesmen whose work is seasonal are paid sufficient salaries to sustain them when weather conditions prohibit their work. The unions carried this forward in contracts with governmental agencies; while an iron worker may not be able to work on a high-rise construction project, he is able to install a stair railing in a school building. Unions, as part of their contracts, demand adherence to their rules, a union window washer can’t clean the glass face of an electric clock as the rules proscribe it can only be done by an electrician. Unions are significant contributors to political campaigns and union officials frequently are on governmental payrolls and enjoy their version of the prevailing wage. Whereas unions have pension programs for members working in the private sector, those employed by government have government pensions.

U.S. job numbers are based on faulty data: It’s become fairly routine now, what I call the jobs hoax. Each month, the U.S. Department of Labor reports employment changes, and despite persistent failure to meet projections, the results are touted as another hopeful sign that the U.S. economy is recovering. But the data reported masks the underlying weakness of a “recovery” that is both narrow and hollow. Seeking to spread hope, the pundits sow confusion instead.
The best measure of resource utilization is not the unemployment rate (which is illogical by construction and dishonest by design) but the labor force participation rate, which has been declining for more than a decade. Since the year 2000, the Fed’s balance sheet has soared ninefold from $500 million to $4.5 trillion, as the working population grew almost 18 percent, from 212 million to 250 million. Despite all this “stimulus,” the prime-age labor force participation rate fell by 10 percentage points. In terms of aggregate productivity, this negative trend would not be so worrisome if the number of hours worked (as opposed to persons engaged) had increased. But that has not happened. Statistics show virtually no gain in labor hours utilized by the private business economy, an especially disturbing fact when one considers that the BLS counts a four-hour, window-washing job the same way it does a 40-hour-a-week gig in a steel mill.

FiSH window cleaning... more awards than the oscars..

Fish Window Cleaning honored for top sales: Bridget and Joe Lang, owners of the local Fish Window Cleaning, were recognized for top sales at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis, Mo., earlier this summer. “Getting this award is something we strive to do each year,” Bridget Lang said. “My sales staff and operations manager are key players in us being able to achieve this goal.”
The Langs opened their business in 2003. “The top sales recognition identifies franchise owners who are committed to growing their business,” said Randy Cross, president, Fish Window Cleaning. “Success doesn’t happen overnight and meeting people daily and building relationships in the community is what makes Fish owners so successful.” The Langs’ office provides service to commercial and residential customers in Farmington Hills, Detroit, Livonia, Northville, Milford, Novi and Plymouth, among others.

Fish Window Cleaning has recognized Bryan franchise owner Jordan Newton for the performance and growth of his business. Newton, who opened the business in 2007, accepted the Star Performer Award during the company's annual convention in St. Louis last month. He received the award for having the highest total revenue in a small market during 2014. He also increased his annual production at least $100,000 over the previous year, company officials said. Newton said his franchise's success was a credit to the "hard work and dedication of our employees."

Peter Hays, owner of the local Fish Window Cleaning, was recognized for top sales at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis in July. "This award shows our hard work and dedication to our customers is paying off," said Hays. "I could not get this award without the help of a great staff and my wife Nicole. The recognition is greatly appreciated."
Hays, a Hudson resident, was recognized for adding over 500 accounts to his customer base in 2014. He was also recognized as a member of the Pinnacle Club for increasing his annual production at least $100,000 over the previous year. Hays opened his business in 2010, and his office provides service to commercial and residential customers in Chagrin Falls, Hudson, Gates Mills, Akron, Brecksville, Beachwood, Bath, Solon, Stow, Fairlawn, Macedonia, Twinsburg, Mayfield Heights and Kent.

Fish Window Cleaning honored  (TRAVERSE CITY) — Sue Smith, owner of the local Fish Window Cleaning, was recognized for top sales at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, on July 25. Smith added more than 500 accounts to her customer base in 2014. She also received the Navigator Award for her work with prospective franchisees.

Brian Gawick, owner of the Rohnert Park-based Fish Window Cleaning, received the Quick Start Award at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis in July. Gawick received the award for being one of the fastest growing new franchisees in his first four months of operations in 2014. Gawick’s office provides service to commercial and residential customers in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sonoma, Sebastopol, Glen Ellen, Kenwood, Graton, Penngrove, Fulton and Boyes Hot Springs.

David Galkin, owner of the local Fish Window Cleaning, recently received the Quick Start Award at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention. Galkin received the award for being one of the fastest growing new franchisees in his first four months of operations in 2014.

Jeff Biegel was recognized for adding over 500 accounts to his customer base in 2014. He was also recognized as a member of the Pinnacle Club for increasing his annual production at least $100,000 over the previous year, and as a Navigator for his work with prospective franchisees. "The top sales award recognizes franchise owners who are committed to growing their business," said Randy Cross, President, Fish Window Cleaning. "Success doesn't happen overnight, and meeting people daily and building relationships in the community is what makes FISH owners so successful."
Biegel opened his business in 2004, and their office provides service to commercial and residential customers in Highland Park, Winnetka, Lake Forest, Northbrook, Glencoe, Glenview, Buffalo Grove, Deerfield, Wilmette, Evanston, Park Ridge, Bannockburn, Kenilworth, Northfield, Lincolnshire, Arlington Heights, Niles, Schaumburg, Vernon Hills, Skokie, Lake Bluff, Riverwoods and Mount Prospect.

Kevin May, owner of Fish Window Cleaning in Newport Beach, was named Rookie of the Year at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis. He received the recognition for growing his franchise during its first year. In addition, he revived the Navigator Award for his work with prospective franchisees. His shop, which opened in 2013, provides service to customers in Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Tustin, Huntington Beach, Orange, Fountain Valley, Santa Ana and Villa Park.

David Backus, owner of the local Fish Window Cleaning, received the Navigator Award at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention last month in St. Louis, Mo., for his work with prospective franchisees. Fish Window Cleaning, founded in 1978, has more than 250 franchise territories in 43 states. It specializes in ground-level storefronts, as well as office buildings up to three stories high, and other businesses and homes. “Buying into a franchise makes for a big life decision,” said Mr. Backus, who opened his franchise in 2003. “There are a lot of unknowns and I enjoy helping prospective franchisees during this discovery phase of this process.”

Earl and Debra Dillard and Trent Peneston, owners of the local Fish Window Cleaning, were recognized for top sales at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, July 25. “Earl, Trent and I are thrilled over receiving these awards,” said Debra Dillard. “We know they would not have been possible without our conscientious and hard-working team, as well as our great and faithful customers. We are very thankful for each and every one. Our goal has always been and will be to provide the best customer service the first time at a fair price.”
The Dillards and Peneston were recognized for adding over 500 accounts to their customer base in 2014. They were also recognized as members of the Pinnacle Club for increasing their annual production at least $100,000 over the previous year.

Randy Cross, owner of the local Fish Window Cleaning, was recognized for top sales July 25 at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. Cross’ office provides service to commercial and residential customers in Grand Rapids, Holland, East Grand Rapids, Cascade, Walker, Wyoming, Kentwood, Rockford, Zeeland, Hudsonville and surrounding areas.

Bothell-based Fish Window Cleaning owners receive Navigator Award: Rick and Marla Bailey, owners of the local Fish Window Cleaning, received the Navigator Award at the annual Fish Window Cleaning Convention in St. Louis, Mo. on July 25. They received the Navigator Award for their work with prospective franchisees.
“Our navigators share information about their FISH experience and help prospects determine if FISH is the right fit for them,” said John English, director of franchise development for Fish Window Cleaning. “They are vital to the growth of the Fish Window Cleaning franchise system.” Bailey opened his business in 2010.
“It’s always such a pleasure talking with potential franchisees,” Rick said. “Marla and I can usually relate to the situation they find themselves in, and we are able to relay to them what it’s like opening a new chapter in one’s life. Fish Window Cleaning has been a great chapter for us.”

..How many Navigator awards are there? Enough already!

Nationally Renowned Automotive Artist Creates Custom Illustration for Window Genie: National home service franchise, Window Genie has commissioned well-known automotive artist Roger Warrick for a recent branding project. Window Genie’s head turning service vehicle, The GENiEMOBiLE™ was remastered in vintage style, illustrated by Warrick to resemble Ed Roth’s Rat Fink art from the 1960s.

Window Genie’s Founder and CEO Rik Nonelle met Warrick at the Concours d’Elegance at Cincinnati’s Ault Park earlier this summer. Having admired Warrick’s work for years, even collecting his art for his home and the Window Genie corporate headquarters, Nonelle approached Warrick with the idea to collaborate. Warrick said of working with Nonelle, “I was very pleased with the opportunity to team up with Rik Nonelle and Window Genie to create their very own "The GENiEMOBiLE™." Hot rodders will recognize some attributes of Ed Roth's old "Rat Fink" car-toons, but with the Window Genie character himself taking over the driving duties. He was a great character to work with, who put his ego aside for the greater artistic good (the Genie, I mean, not Rik!). All in all it was a fun experience, and I think it conveys the enthusiasm with which Window Genie goes about its business.” The illustration features the animated Genie that appears in Window Genie’s logo, driving a Ford Transit, the company’s main service vehicle.

A same-sex couple from Carstairs Junction were successful at Lanark Sheriff Court in claiming their farmer neighbour made a homophobic insult to them during an argument. At court last Wednesday the trial was held of 55-year-old Peter Brown, of Newbridge Farm, who denied that, on October 23 last year, at the home of his neighbours William Armstrong and Paul McFarlane at 6 Station Road, he behaved in a threatening manner likely to cause alarm by repeatedly shouting and swearing and uttered a homophobic remark, behaviour aggravated by prejudice against sexual orientation.
Both 61-year-old window cleaner Paul McFarlane and his long-time partner, 57-year old asset surveyor William Armstrong, gave largely identical accounts to the court of the events of the evening in question. Both testified that they had been neighbours of Brown for 16 years and, after initial confusion over access to his farm through their property when they first purchased the house, relations had been generally co-operatve. However, this changed when the couple thought that Brown was planning to erect a wind turbine on his farm and use their road to bring in heavy plant.
Both Mr Armstrong and Mr McFarlane claimed that, in the course of the argument in their home, Brown had used the phrase “You are a pair of poofs”, along with other more general insults. Both men claimed they had become scared by Brown’s behaviour and called the police. Brown, a Children’s Panel chairman, strongly denied making the homophobic remark but Sheriff Scott Pattison said he disbelieved him, fining him £500.

Meet the investor: Marion Bernard, Business Growth Fund - What kind of deals do you finance? We invest in profitable UK companies and initially invest between £2m–£10m of long term capital for a minority equity stake and a seat on the company’s board. We back both privately owned and AIM-listed companies typically with a turnover of £5m–£100 across all business sectors with the exception of regulated financial services and property development. By way of example, we’ve invested in everything from ceramics manufacturers to window cleaners and opticians to advertising agencies.

Probably the Most Poorly Timed in Cinematic History: Although sometimes intended to transport us to an alternate universe, it goes without saying that reality and the fictional world of film can overlap. After all, ideas and inspirations usually start with a little earth-based daydreaming. Therefore, it's not surprising that movies have a tendency to tangle with and reflect the real world. Jackie Chan was set to star in this action drama as a window washer at the World Trade Center. His character unfortunately eavesdrops on a terrorist attack he must then thwart. "Nosebleed", was set to start filming in 2001, just before the 9/11 attacks. Production was permanently canceled.

CEO of Lotame, Andrew Monfried.. "When I was in college, my best friend and I started a window cleaning service that we would run each summer when we came home. It became a booming success. This was my first taste of building a business from the ground up, from literally nothing, using only grassroots marketing - from flyers to referrals from satisfied customers. While I have replicated this success several more times since, and on much bigger stages, this initial success is still one I feel incredibly proud of and one that has helped shape the trajectory of my career."

New community hub to open in Kettering in Johnny’s memory: Family and friends of a man who took his own life are getting ready to open a community hub for the people he would have wanted to help. Johnny’s Happy Place was set up after Johnny Mackay died at the age of just 29 after taking his own life on October 23, 2014. In just a few months since the charity launched and started fundraising for people with mental health problems, they are preparing to open a space dedicated to supporting people like Johnny.
Johnny’s sister Charlotte Mackay said: “We wanted to open somewhere happy and friendly that people who have difficulties in life like mental health problems could go.” People of all ages will be welcome to visit, socialise, chat and enjoy vegetarian food and drinks from the cafe. Arts and crafts will among various activities offered as Johnny was very creative and loved art.
The charity is also hoping to offer sessions to help those who attend and there will be a book swap, with books displayed on ladders attached to the wall as Johnny used to be a window cleaner. The charity really wants to capture Johnny’s spirit and creative nature in the room, and they believe if this had been set up several years ago, Johnny would have been the first to volunteer. Charlotte said: “It is going to be a social community hub where people can come from all avenues of mental health. It will be open to everyone. She added: “Johnny always wanted to help people.”
His mum said: “I don’t want people to think his life was all doom and gloom. “When the news of his death spread, nobody could believe it because they just saw Johnny having fun, laughing and being idiotic. “He was so popular but there was an awful lot of people who didn’t know about the other side of him. “He was so lovely, he wouldn’t walk if he could run, he was just that sort of person. If you would like to volunteer when Johnny’s Happy Place opens, can help out financially or have arts and crafts materials or induction pans you could donate for the cafe, visit the charity’s website at

Landry Dean Langan was born on January 23, 1966 in Yorkton, SK, the fifth of eight children born to Philip and Evelyn (nee Paul) Langan. Landry had so many interests and he excelled at every one of them . . . except singing! The first thing you think of is Landry's kind heart that was so filled with love, compassion, generosity and laughter. Landry really did offer the shirt right off of his back, not just to family, but to friends and even strangers. He was there offering help and always had everyone's back. Everyone knew that Landry had a love of cooking. He made every kind of food taste amazing. He claimed to have invented the original Chicken Caesar Wrap. Whether it was true or not, he sure made those so mouth watering! In school, Landry was exceptional at Math. This skill came in very handy with his work as a Professional Cleaner with Fire Restoration and Window Cleaning. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Christie's Funeral Home & Crematorium, Yorkton, SK.

Tributes to Warminster window cleaner Slade Thomas: His wife has paid tribute to her ‘larger than life’ husband after the well-known window cleaner from Warminster died at the age of 45 from a sudden heart failure. The dad-of-one died at his home on Luxfield Road, leaving his wife Deb and the community shocked. Mr Thomas set up his own cleaning business in 2005 and provided services in both Warminster and Devizes, with many of his customers sending his 41-year-old widow messages of support and condolences.
“Slade had the gift of the gab, he had such a charm with people and one of his old teachers said to him that he wouldn’t get through life using charm alone, but I think he did. “He loved talking to people face-to-face and he was very much a people person, he wouldn’t just wash your windows and take the money he would stand and chat and he knew so much about his customers." Mr Thomas leaves behind six-year-old son, Max, who has still yet to come to terms with what has happened.

Thacker, Richard E. - Richard was born December 8, 1949, in Decatur, IL the son of Carl and Dorothy (Ball) Thacker.  He had served in the US Army.  He married Mary Jo Piekutowski on August 17, 1974.  Richard owned and operated Perfect Window Cleaners in Decatur, IL.  He was an avid gardener, a history buff, and a friend to all animals, especially his dogs. Those that knew him will always remember his generosity, empathy, and kindness to others. He is survived by his wife: Mary Jo of Decatur; son: Richard Thacker Jr. and his wife Christine of San Francisco, CA; daughter: Emily Thacker of Indianapolis, IN; brother: Carl Thacker and his wife Mary of Decatur; sisters: Linda Guidinger of Bonita Springs, FL, Cindy Lee of Decatur, IL and Carol Thacker of Bonita Springs, FL. 

Larry Wayne Suratt: Larry was born on November 6, 1962 in Dallas to parents Doyle Suratt and Samuel Molanders and entered into eternal rest on July 7, 2015 at the age of 52. Larry was called “Pawpaw” by his grandchildren. He loved his girls and his family dearly. Larry enjoyed being outdoors; going hunting, camping, riding horses and shooting guns.
He owned a window cleaning service for over 10 years. Larry was Baptist by faith and had a good heart; he loved everyone, especially kids, and would help anyone without exception. He was a loving and caring man who will be missed tremendously by his family and friends.

ROCK ISLAND — Donald E. Washburn, 84, of Rock Island, passed away Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015, at his home. A celebration of life service will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Wheelan-Pressly Funeral Home, Rock Island. Visitation will be 9 a.m. until service time at the funeral home.
Memorials may be left to the American Cancer Society. Mr. Washburn was the owner and operator of Midwest Window Cleaning for 33 years. Survivors include his wife, Hope Washburn. Online condolences may be left for the family at

RICHMOND, Ky. – Richmond police have charged a window washer with stealing from his customers. “He was a laborer going around washing windows and of course a lot of businesses thought he was legit, but apparently he’s not," Richmond Police Major Steve Gregg said. David Green, 33, of Lexington faces several theft charges in connection to thefts that occurred between April and August, according to a release from Richmond Police Department.
Green is accused of stealing a ring from a Merle Norman store valued at $325, $6,000 in items from a woman's home and nearly $3,000 in pocket knives from Ace Hardware. Police say he returned to the store Wednesday, and employees called police. Merle Morman Manager Erica Barrett said Green worked as a window washer for the store for several years. Green was caught on surveillance footage stealing the ring from the store.
“We’re thankful that we have great video surveillance to catch people but we wouldn’t have necessarily looked at him to shoplift from us. “He was a really sweet guy, we got to know him pretty well until the day he decided to steal our ring," Barrett said. “We were all in shock. It really hurt all of us because we felt like we could trust him so we were very much in shock," Barrett said.
Major Gregg says this incident is a good time to remind citizens to be cautious when hiring employees to work at a home, or business. “Call the Better Business Bureau, and get recommendations. Check references, you've just got to be careful who you hire," Major Gregg said.
Green is being held in the Madison County Detention Center.

Window Washer Cleans Homes Out of Jewelry: A window-washer was charged with burglary after he stole jewelry from homes where he had been hired to wash windows, prosecutors said in court on Wednesday. Ronald Muniz, 28, was arrested by Lemont police on June 30 after a month long investigation. Muniz is accused of stealing a diamond wedding ring from an ashtray and two high school rings in separate incidents. Prosecutors said the Muniz then pawned the items. The wedding ring, which was recovered from a pawn shop, was valued at $5,900. The burglaries occurred at homes on the same day earlier this month. Bail was set at $25,000 for each burglary charge. Muniz needs $5,000 to bond out.

Window cleaner who stole jewellery from elderly clients jailed for eight years: A window cleaner labelled a "confidence trickster" after he preyed on elderly clients, stealing items including a £38,000 ring and a box containing the ashes of a widow's husband, has been sent to prison for eight years. Ben Crittenden, of Cornwall Way in Staines, was found guilty of nine counts of burglary after a two-week trial at Guildford Crown Court, during which he denied stealing jewellery and cash from customers in Cobham, West Molesey, Walton, Leatherhead and Ashtead.
During the trial, Lee Harris, prosecuting, said the 26-year-old played on the fact people knew his grandparents and made up stories about not getting work as a "confidence trick to get into properties and steal jewellery". He described the series of burglaries as a "long and well-planned operation". “In respect of all of these cases, he has cleaned the homeowner’s windows - a lot of times he has knocked on their door and asked them if they would like their windows cleaned,” Mr Harris said. “He has chosen elderly people, many are in their 80s, and while cleaning their windows he has engineered an opportunity to be alone upstairs in bedrooms and has taken jewellery.”

A widow conned by two thieving window cleaners says she is glad the ‘evil’ pair are now behind bars. Buckley window cleaners Robert Ditchburn and Alex Robert-Barber were both jailed for 12 weeks on Thursday after stealing hundreds of pounds from pensioner Barbara Lavery. She said she is frightened now in case anything similar happens again, but urged other victims to go to the police. “They are very evil people,” Mrs Lavery said. “They stole off me. They saw me as an easy target.”
Mold Crown Court heard that Ditchburn, 57, of Nant Mawr Road, and Robert-Barber 28, of Bryn Awelon, had been stealing her husband’s Royal Air Force pension when they took money from her purse.
The men had been cleaning windows and doing odd jobs at her house for almost a year before the pair were caught in the act last March by cameras police had installed in Mrs Lavery’s home after she reported her suspicions. The cameras showed Robert-Barber distracting Mrs Lavery with pictures on his mobile phone while Ditchburn rifled through her purse. “I am over the moon that they have got what they deserve and have gone to jail. Their names need to be blackened all over Buckley.

Councillor warns about fake window cleaner scamming money from pensioners in Cradley Heath and Old Hill: A scam artist is preying on pensioners in Cradley Heath and Old Hill. There has been numerous complaints about a man pretending to be a window cleaner and collecting money for work he has not done. The fake window cleaner has even pretended to be Mark Harold from Mr H20 Window Cleaning.
Mr Harold said: "This man is preying on the elderly and can get forceful demanding money for cleaning windows. "He has pretended to be me and other local window cleaners, he needs to be stopped, we have complained to the police but they cannot really do anything." He added: "It is disgusting that he pressurising vulnerable people for money, I have heard of him trying it on in Halesowen, Romsley and Cradley as well as Old Hill and Cradley Heath. "I have been doing this for 15 years and have never known anything like this happening, it is just so blatant."
The man is believed to be in his mid 20s, has ginger hair and often wears a baseball cap, hoodie and carries a rucksack. Cradley Heath and Old Hill Councillor John Tipper has warned people to be vigilant concerning the scam.
He said: "Obviously it is pretty low to prey on potentially vulnerable people like this, and I hope the police take swift action. "In the meantime I urge everyone to be more than usually vigilant and take all the relevant precautions when it involves dealing with salesmen who come to the door including asking for the relevant ID and a contact number."

Can you help trace bogus window cleaner who conned elderly woman in Derby? The incident happened on Wednesday at 1.30pm when the man attended the house of an elderly woman on Mansfield Street. He claimed that he was her window cleaner and she owed him money. The woman's daughter challenged him and he walked off. The man was described as white, with short brown hair and was wearing a grey top. Anyone who recognises the man or has information is asked to contact PC Russell Davey on 101 quoting crime reference number 35634/15.

Police appeal for witnesses after bogus window-cleaner steals cash from house in Derby: Police are appealing for witnesses after a man, posing as a window cleaner, stole money from a house in Derby.
A police spokeswoman said on Tuesday, July 28 at 2.30pm, a man offered to clean the windows of a property in Allestree Street. The owner of the house showed the man to the third floor to clean the bedroom windows, as there was no access from outside.
When the man left there was an amount of cash missing from the bedroom. The man was described as 5ft 5ins tall and was wearing a dark-coloured baseball cap, a grey hooded top, dark cargo trousers and he had a tool belt around his waist. The man is believed to have spoken with a Slovakian or Czech accent and he was last seen walking in the direction of Bagshaw Street. Police have requested that anybody with information contact 101, quoting crime reference number 32003/15.

Window cleaner who battered 88-year-old woman in her home and tied her up with electrical wire to steal just £15 is jailed for 14 years - A window cleaner who attacked a frail elderly woman in her own home to steal just £15 has been jailed for 14 years. Gavin Tainton brutally battered 88-year-old Constance Davies before tying her up with electric wire, a court heard. The terrified victim suffered a broken finger and bruising in the attack in which she was repeatedly thrown to the floor.
Tainton was jailed for ten years for the robbery - which has now been increased to 14 by the Court of Appeal because of the severity of his crime against the defenceless pensioner. Mrs Davies had been watching television at her home, which she lives in on her own, when Tainton, 32, burst in. He repeatedly hurled the seven-stone victim to the floor in a merciless attack, tied her up and ordered her to stay quiet before he left her for dead, the court heard. She managed to wriggle free but was so scared that she remained silent until the following day when she summoned enough strength to go to her doctors. But the court heard that he had only been able to steal £15 from the pensioner during the robbery.  
Tainton, from Maesteg, Bridgend County Borough, Wales, denied robbery claiming he had been invited in to the pensioner's house - who he said was a customer - to help move some boxes a fortnight before. The court heard he had previous convictions for burglary and assault. His case reached the Appeal Court as lawyers for the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC, urged the three judges to increase his 'unduly lenient' sentence. 

A window cleaning conman who claims to be employed by a weekly newspaper is being hunted by detectives. The fraudster has targeted elderly people in the Twerton area of Bath, insisting he works for the Bath Chronicle. The man told each household he visited that he charged £2 each time he cleaned their windows, and that they owed him between £10 and £12 for the past six months of work.
None of the residents spoken to by the Chronicle since the incidents, which took place on Saturday, gave the man any money. In a report on the attempted fraud, the Chronicle confirmed it does not offer a window cleaning service. The newspaper is now working with the police to locate the suspect.
Alex Brown, head of content at the Chronicle, told HTFP: “We’re quite appalled that anyone would use our name to attempt to con Bath residents out of money. “No one connected to the Chronicle would go door to door for any reason and our journalists carry identification. We urge anyone in any doubt over someone’s identification to call the police.”

A window cleaner conned his way into the homes of OAPS on his round — then stole money from them. One of Dean Worthington's victims in Horwich described him as "despicable" and the "lowest of the low" after he was jailed for three years at Bolton Crown Court. The court heard the 35-year-old, who had worked in the area for nearly two years and won the trust of the people on his round, got into people's homes by pretending to be injured.
Worthington preyed on 89-year-old Sheila Hall, of Victoria Road, on December 23 last year, claiming he had trapped his hand in a door and needed to run it under a cold tap. While her back was turned as she searched for a first aid kit, he helped himself to £150 in cash, a mobile phone and bank cards. Worthington, of Lavender Road, Farnworth, pleaded guilty on the day of his trial to two burglaries and one charge of intimidation, receiving 33 months for the burglary, and three months, to be served consecutively, for writing the letter.
Mark Friend, defending, said his client was now drug free after "significant personal difficulties" when he was younger. The catalyst for Worthington quitting drugs was the loss of his brother to drug misuse, Mr Friend added. Two other burglary charges were left on file, after the crown opted not to pursue them in view of Worthington's guilty pleas.
Judge Graeme Smith said: "In this case the victims were elderly and extremely vulnerable and you were in a position of trust, in that you were someone known to them and trusted to wash their windows. "You took advantage of that by posing as someone in need."

'Master criminal' Moriarty behind bars after failing to con pensioners: A wannabe con-man who tried to trick elderly residents into believing they owed him money for windows he never cleaned has been sentenced to 14 months in jail. He called on two elderly women on two separate occasions in Sutton claiming they owed him money for cleaning their windows.
Moriarty first called on a 87-year-old living in Mayfield Road, Sutton, on Sunday, February 22, and told her he needed to be paid after he cleaned her windows at the front and back of her home. She told Moriarty that she had not asked anyone to clean her windows since her mother died in 1993. Moriarty then asked to enter the home and claimed the work had been on his calendar, but she refused and called the police once Moriarty had left.
The next day police were alerted to a man knocking on doors asking if they wanted their windows cleaned. Officers later found Moriarty on the doorstep of a home in King's Lane where he was talking with a 83-year-old woman.
He had told the woman that he had cleaned her windows at 5.30am, but she was suspicious that Moriarty was not her regular window cleaner. At Croydon Crown Court Moriarty was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment after pleading guilty to two counts of fraud and was ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £100. Moriarty was also issued with a criminal behaviour order, which bans him from entering Kings Lane, Mayfield Road, Crowland Road, Gilsland Road and Cassaland Road.

A man posing as a window cleaner stole a purse full of cash from a home in Ashford while pretending to wash the windows. The thief visited several homes in the Cygnet Way area of South Ashford on Friday afternoon before finding his victims. One household took up his offer at about 4.10pm and invited him into their home to fill his buckets with water.  Shortly afterwards they noticed a purse was missing from their living room but by that time the man was nowhere to be seen. 
Police are now warning residents in the area to be on the lookout and have issued a description of the suspect. He is described as white, aged 35 to 40, of stocky build, with short, dark brown hair and a moustache. He had a long face and lots of tattoos on his neck. The man was wearing long blue shorts with red stripes down the sides and a pink faded top with bands around the arms.
Police spokesman Jon Green warned: "Beware of strangers who turn up unannounced offering services or claiming to be working for utility companies as they might be trying to trick their way into your home to steal valuables and money. "If in doubt – keep them out!"

The High Court in Glasgow heard how 26-year-old window cleaner Sean Henry armed himself with a sheath knife and walked from his home in Ellerslie Street, Johnstone, to a nearby store: A knife-wielding thug who tried to rob a newsagents to clear a drug debt was foiled by a brave shop assistant who used a large pole to fend him off. However, the 200-yard walk attracted attention because, despite it being a warm day, Henry was wearing a Celtic scarf around his face, so that only his eyes were visible.
Shop owner Neil Murray, 45, was alarmed by the way Henry was hiding his face. Mr Murray told his assistant, Sharon McGhee, about his concerns just seconds before Henry walked into the shop, armed with the knife. In court, Henry admitted assaulting Ms McGhee and Mr Murray at Ritchies Newsagents, in High Street, Johnstone, on May 25 by brandishing a knife at them and repeatedly demanding money, with intent to rob them.
A warrant to search Henry’s home was obtained and the Celtic scarf was found under a floorboard in his living room. Initially, Henry denied the offence but later admitted his guilt, telling police he owed a drug debt of £1,000 and had staged the robbery bid in the hope of getting money to pay this off. The court was told Henry has numerous previous convictions, including one from 2009 for robbery with a sword, for which he received four years in jail.

Police are calling on witnesses to get in touch following an art theft. Painting and sculptures worth more than £15,000 were taken from an exhibition at Rookesbury Park School, in Wickham. Officers want to speak to a man and a woman who were seen acting suspiciously in the area when the artists were setting up the show.
The man was white, at least 6ft tall, slim and in his thirties. He had short, cropped hair and was wearing a dark T-shirt with “window cleaner” embossed on the back. The woman was also white, in her thirties and wearing a nurses uniform. Eleven paintings and nine sculptures were taken overnight between Wednesday, August 26, and Thursday, August 27. Many of the pieces are the work of local artists.
Anyone who saw anything suspicious or recognises either of the people from the descriptions should call DC Graham Skull at Fratton Police Station on 101 quoting crime reference number 44150297029.

A window cleaner charged with sexually assaulting a seven-year-old girl while working at a home in Sydney’s north has walked from court on bail, just 24 hours after being arrested over the sickening attack. Earlier this year, detectives from the Child Abuse Squad’s Chatswood office were made aware of an incident where a young girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by a window cleaner who had been undertaking work at the girl’s family’s home on the North Shore. At the time of the incident, which is alleged to have occurred in 2010, the girl was seven years of age.
The assault was allegedly committed by a self-employed cleaner who, at the time, lived in the inner west and worked across metropolitan Sydney. Following investigations, detectives on Thursday arrested a 57-year-old man at a property in Ashfield and charged him with two counts of aggravated sexual assault. He appeared briefly before Burwood Local Court yesterday where he was granted conditional bail to reappear before the Downing Centre Local Court on 15 September. Anyone with concerns about suspected child abuse or exploitation should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000

Llanelli window cleaner stole crate of lager from Asda: A LLANELLI window cleaner has apologised to a court after stealing a crate of Fosters Lager. Gareth William Metcalfe, 35, pleaded guilty to the theft from Asda on July 9, saying it was a "moment of madness" while he was stressed.
Sharon Anderson, prosecuting, said that Metcalfe had been on bail for a separate matter and had gone into the store and taken the crate, worth £11.97. The beers have all been recovered intact.
Metcalfe, who represented himself in court, said he was planning his wedding at the time and was really stressed. "I've never done anything like it before, it was a moment of madness," he said. "I've got married now and that stress has gone." Magistrates issued him with a £75 fine and told him to pay £150 criminal court costs, £85 prosecution costs and a £20 surcharge. No compensation was given as the beers were recovered without damage.

‘Jekyll and Hyde’ window cleaner bit partner’s nose and threatened to kill her: Window cleaner Iain Yates has been banned from contacting his partner after he bit her on the nose and slapped her across the head. The 44-year-old also grabbed Joanne Gillott around the neck during the attacks at her Leek home before threatening to kill her. North Staffordshire Justice Centre heard Yates had previously been handed a restraining order before the couple got back together. Now the defendant has been ordered to not contact Miss Gillott or go to her Sneyd Avenue home for 12 months after being found guilty of assault by beating and damaging her Samsung tablet.
Prosecutor Adam Warner said: "Joanne Gillott lived at that address with the defendant for five years.
"She said that he has been arrested some years ago for assaulting her and a restraining order was issued and he breached his order during the 12-month period. "Since the restraining order lapsed, they had got back together and she thought it would work because he had changed. She said that when he stopped smoking cannabis, he became paranoid and easily agitated." The court heard that two weeks before the incident, their relationship became more volatile because of financial problems.
Mr Warner added: "On May 3, around 8pm, he confronted her about the fact she had purchased a tablet. He grabbed her around the throat and slapped her around her head. "He said 'I am going to jail so I might as well kill you and serve some time'. "She didn't say anything and went to bed. The next day she got home and he started having a go for no reason. She asked him to leave. It made him angry. He grabbed her around the throat and bit her on the nose. She was terrified." In a victim impact statement, Miss Gillott said she feared for her life and described her ex-partner as a 'Jekyll and Hyde character'.
Tony Cooke, mitigating, said: "He regrets his behaviour and he is insightful of how he's taken out negative emotions on his partner. "He was feeling low and that was exacerbated by the relationship break down." Yates, of Portland Street, Hanley, was also handed a community order with 180 hours unpaid work and a rehabilitation activity requirement. He was also ordered to pay £1,350, which includes £150 compensation and a £60 victim surcharge.

A Juneau grand jury was asked to indict Brian Hogan on two felony charges on Friday: First-degree assault and third-degree assault. Now, Hogan only faces the weaker charge after being accused of setting his girlfriend on fire in what advocates called one of the worst acts of domestic violence in Juneau’s recent history. The difference between the two counts is huge. First-degree assault is an ‘A’ felony, the most serious, and can be punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Third-degree is a ‘C’ felony, the lowest classification and can only carry up to five years in prison.
Why did the grand jury fail to issue a true bill for the higher level felony? Hogan, who lives in Hillsboro, Oregon and periodically travels to Juneau to work as a window washer, remains in custody in lieu of $50,000 bail. Court records show he was arraigned Friday in Juneau Superior Court. He is also facing three misdemeanor charges for breaking the court’s earlier orders by contacting the woman and visiting her home. An indictment is only required for the state to pursue felony charges, not misdemeanors.

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