Thursday 20 August 2015

It's Just Too Dirty - Political Window Cleaning

Angry protesters say they are trying to highlight the need for transparency over the trade deal.
'It's just too dirty' - TPP protesters wash minister's windows: Anti-TPP protesters have taken their plea to see the details of the trans Pacific trade deal to a whole new level, washing the windows of the Trade Minister's office to highlight the need for transparency. About a dozen protesters kitted out in yellow and orange jackets and wielding window mops gathered outside Tim Groser's New Lynn office in Auckland and took to the front window with buckets of soapy water.

"It's just too dirty," a male protester is heard to say in a video captured by ONE News. But was he talking about the window, the trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement - or both? "We want more transparency with the TPPA. So we're trying to highlight the need for transparency," a female protester explained, as she reached to clean the top of the window.

All the while, Tim Groser's picture on the window smiled out at the unhappy protesters. "Hon Tim Groser National MP", the accompanying sign for the National List MP explains. A woman waved a banner at passing motorists which showed "TPPA" written in a magnifying glass and demanded "Show us ya text".

Trade ministers failed at the start of the month to reach agreement on the proposed free trade agreement between 12 Pacific rim nations including the US and New Zealand which has been under secret negotiation for several years. Opponents of the deal say if New Zealand signs we risk damage to our economy, environment, health and ability to shape our own future, and the details of the agreement should be made public now.

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