Thursday 31 July 2014

Can You Name This Window Cleaning Thief?

Can you name this window cleaner?
Can you name brazen Plymouth window cleaning thief? A brazen theft suspect casually walks into a Plymouth store - before making a run for it with £600 worth of window-cleaning equipment under his arm. The man in this video is wanted by police in connection with the theft, which happened on July 11.

He went unnoticed at the time but bosses at the Tip Top Cleaning Supplies store at Faraday Mill in Cattedown later discovered goods were missing - and this CCTV footage appears to show why. The window cleaning supplies shop only opened in August last year and staff said £600 would be a big hit on the business.

The incident has been reported to police, who are investigating. Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101 or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555111.

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