Wednesday 31 July 2013

A New Low - Daylight Robbery For UK Window Cleaner

A new low for window cleaners.
Thugs rob Walker window cleaner for ladders and takings - A window cleaner has been robbed for his takings in the rear lane between Welbeck Road and Middle street, in Walker, Newcastle, UK. A window cleaner has been robbed for his takings. Sometime between 6.30pm and 7pm on Monday thugs approached the man from behind, in the rear lane between Welbeck Road and Middle street, in Walker, Newcastle and knocked him unconscious.

When the victim awoke he discovered the money pouch he had been carrying around his waist had been stolen, along with his aluminium ladders. The man was taken to the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, where he was treated for concussion. Before he was assaulted he noticed a man in a white flatbed lorry driving behind him down the lane and police are now appealing for anyone who might have been in the area and who witnessed the incident to contact them.

Northumbria Police’s East End Neighbourhood Inspector Deborah Alderson said: “This has been quite a nasty assault where the offenders have stolen this man’s takings for the day and the ladders that he uses to do is job. “We are carrying out inquiries to locate those responsible who clearly didn’t care about the welfare of this man at all, and left him in the road unconscious. We have extra officers in the area to reassure residents and anyone with information is asked to get in touch with police.” Witnesses are asked to contact police on 101 ext 69191, or the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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