Tuesday 10 July 2012

Sad Window Cleaning News

Singapore witnesses 11th maid death by falling from window: Police are classifying the death as “unnatural” and are currently investigating the death of a maid in her 20s who fell from the 19th storey last Wednesday. The foreign worker, whose nationality was not released by police, fell to her death from a condominium on Bayshore Road last week, in what is the 11th such death this year alone, worrying police that employers are not following new guidelines for their workers when cleaning windows. 
Starting in June, employers were required to follow stricter guidelines when their maids clean the outside of their homes, after a number of maids had fallen to their deaths, but reports suggest the employers are not abiding by the new regulations set by the Manpower Ministry. “I think we need to look at how we investigate and enforce these new restrictions, because the continued deaths of maids in Singapore is unacceptable,” said an official at the ministry when Bikyamasr.com called for a comment. The guidelines from the Manpower Ministry came in the wake of the spike in the number of maids who have fallen to their deaths this year. But police are investigating this recent death for possible foul play.

Window cleaner found hanged after break-up: A window cleaner hanged himself a few months after the break-up of a relationship, an inquest heard. Jason Allcock, who also self-harmed, was found dead in the garden of his family home. The body of the 41-year-old, who had a history of depression and alcohol abuse, was discovered by wife Janet. The inquest was told Mr Allcock had started to see Audrey Craggs following the break-up of his marriage. But the relationship ended after Mr Allcock failed to overcome his problem with alcohol. On the day of Mr Allcock's death, November 21, Miss Craggs met him at his home in Newhouse Road, Bucknall. She said: "When I went to leave he grabbed my jumper and he said he would always love me and I was his beautiful angel." Mrs Allcock said: "It sent him downhill when he broke up with the other woman." Assistant deputy coroner Margaret Jones recorded a suicide verdict. She said: "There was little or nothing the family could have done to prevent this tragic incident."

Window cleaner jailed over £4 taxi fare dodge: A window cleaner who dodged a £4 taxi fare has been jailed for 78 days after being told he risked bringing ‘ridicule’ to the courts. Nathan Hooper, 20, was already under a suspended prison sentence and had twice breached that before leaving the cabbie unpaid in Newhall. Deputy District Judge Peter Hollingworth told him: “You persistently offend court orders designed to ensure your compliance with the law. “If the courts continue to excuse you from the consequences of your actions, the entire policy behind that is brought into disrepute and into ridicule. “People will cease to believe courts mean what they say when they suspend a sentence. “You have left me with no choice but to send you to prison.” Derby Magistrates’ Court heard that Hooper, of Robinson Drive, Newhall, got a taxi to take him home from Church Gresley just after midnight on April 4.
The driver said he was a ‘regular customer’ and when they arrived at Hooper’s home, he waited for him to go indoors to get the cash. But Hooper did not return and ignored knocks on the door, said Lee Shepherd, prosecuting. Emma Cornell, defending, said Hooper had never caused previous problems for the taxi driver. When he arrived home, he found his girlfriend was out and he was unable to pay. The solicitor told the court: “He behaved stupidly by ignoring the taxi driver and making no attempt to pay.” Miss Cornell said Hooper was now in a ‘stable relationship’ and worked as a window cleaner for three days a week. He previously had a drug and alcohol problem which was ‘something which plagued his life,’ she said. Hooper pleaded guilty to a charge of making off without payment.

£18,000 worth of motocross bikes stolen: The dreams of a talented Gwent motocross rider could be over after his bikes worth £18,000 were stolen. His father has now offered a £1,000 reward for their return, so 18-year-old Ryan Williams can compete in national events this summer. Ryan spent the bank holiday weekend competing in the British Schoolboy Motorcycle Association (BSMA) championships at Wroxton Motopark, Oxfordshire, where he finished third in his class in a field of 300. But, after returning home to Llanfair Road, Caerwent on Sunday night, two bikes, worth £9,000 each plus a mountain bike worth £1,900 were stolen. Ryan's dad Tim said thieves had used bolt cutters to break into the wooden unit.  He said: "They'd left chains from the bikes on the floor, but even took a big metal bar from across the door. "They had turned sensors around so alarms wouldn't go off, so must have cased the place before. We use a big lorry and when thatÕs not there, people know I'm out." The theft is a devastating blow to the family- with Tim Williams, a window cleaner, using much of his income to fund his son's passion for the past 10 years.

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