Wednesday 4 January 2012

Window Cleaner Dies From Blood Clot After Breaking Ankles

Blood clots killed window cleaner after ankle breaks: Policy over advice given to patients at risk of blood clots has been changed following the death of a 39-year-old man two months after surgery to mend two broken ankles. Brian Cairns, of Carn Drive, Newtownabbey, died on January 16, 2009 after blood clots which had formed in his legs travelled to his heart and lungs. Obesity was also given by Northern Ireland state pathologist Jack Crane as a contributing factor. The inquest was told that Mr Cairns weighed 102.2kgs, around 16 stone, but was not told his height. His wife, Julieann, agreed with a description of her husband as a large man. But the father-of-two was described by his friend Philip Douglas as being “fit as a fiddle”.
He worked around the Newtownabbey area as a window cleaner, and had been working with Mr Douglas on November 26, 2008 when he fell from his ladder, landing on his feet on concrete. “I was up one side of the house, Brian was up the other side, his ladder slipped and down he went. I just knew he had seriously damaged himself, his ankle had completely turned around,” Mr Douglas said. Mrs Cairns said her husband broke both ankles in the accident. He was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital where he had two operations. While in hospital he was given a prophylaxis treatment to prevent deadly blood clots, known as pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis. However, this treatment was not continued when he left hospital.
The inquest heard that patients at risk of these conditions are now given written advice when they leave hospital. Mrs Cairns said her husband had complained of breathlessness the week before he died in January 2009. She said he had been attending physiotherapy sessions and carrying out exercises they had given him. Physiotherapist Sarah Beattie confirmed that Mr Cairns had been a willing patient. On January 16, Mr Cairns suddenly took ill and was taken to Antrim Area Hospital by ambulance, but he could not be saved.
Professor Crane carried out the post-mortem examination. He said blood clots had formed in Mr Cairns’ lower legs and travelled to his heart and lungs, causing a blockage. He said an inquiry, or surgery, as well as immobility, were causes of blood clots. A lawyer on behalf of the Belfast Trust also offered condolences to the Cairns family. Coroner Brian Sherrard found that Mr Cairns died from a pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis which was due to bilateral ankle fractures against a background of obesity. “While deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis was provided to Mr Cairns while he was an inpatient, unfortunately it was not provided after discharge,” he said. However, Mr Sherrard said he would not make any recommendations because of the changes that have been implemented by the Belfast Trust following Mr Cairns’ death.

Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
Clot killed window cleaner who broke both ankles in fall: A window cleaner died from a blood clot seven weeks after he fell from his ladder and broke both ankles, an inquest has heard. The sitting at Mays Chambers in Belfast also heard how Brian Cairns had complained about a shortness of breath and back pain in the week prior to his death, but had not sought medical help. "I asked him if I should get the doctor but he said 'no'. He wasn't one for fuss," his widow Julianne told the court yesterday.
Mr Cairns, a 42-year-old father-of-two from Carn Drive in Newtownabbey, fell about 10ft when his ladder slipped while he was working on November 26, 2008. Family friend Philip Douglas, who had been with him at the time of the accident, said: "The ladder slipped and he went down. You just knew he had seriously hurt himself ... one of his ankles had completely turned around. "But he was fit as a fiddle before that happened."
Mr Cairns underwent two operations at the Royal Victoria Hospital before being discharged. He was wheelchair-bound and attended five physiotherapy sessions before his death on January 16, 2009. According to Sarah Beattie, the lead physio at Musgrave Park Hospital, he had been making good progress towards a full recovery. Ms Beattie told the court if he had indicated that he was suffering from breathlessness her team would have sought assistance from medics.
State Pathologist Jack Crane determined the cause of death as pulmonary embolism due to deep venous thrombosis (DVT), due to bilateral ankle fractures. The court also heard how the Belfast Trust has reviewed protocol on discharging fracture patients and now prescribes DVT prophylaxis and written information on the risks of pulmonary embolism and thrombosis.
Coroner Brian Sherrard described Mr Cairns' unexpected death as a "terrible loss". The coroner urged Mrs Cairns to take some comfort from the fact that a change of policy means medical patients will not now find themselves in the same tragic situation as her husband. The family were too distressed to speak after the hearing.

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