Friday 28 October 2011

Occupation Window Cleaning - Banks Greed

Stevenage window cleaner in St Paul’s sit-in: James Albury, 34, of Stevenage has been camping out for “four or five” nights in the week to draw attention to what he said is a government “corruption” of capitalism. The former Heathcote School student said the media has misinterpreted the occupation - arguing it is part of a “movement” rather than an anti-capitalist protest - despite banners to the contrary around the site. He said: “It’s hard to encapsulate what the occupation movement is in a few sentences, but from my own perspective, I am a self-employed window cleaner – describing the occupation as some sort of anti-capitalist movement is not correct. “The idea that it is just a load of lazy students is just not right.

“I’m not anti-capitalist. I’m against this corrupt form of capitalism. If my business were to fail I couldn’t go to the government and get a bail out. I can see no reason why a great big corporate bank cannot be allowed to fail. If they made poor decisions you cannot expect the tax payer to bail them out.” He added that Stevenage could soon see a similar occupation. “I have spoken to lots of people. There is support for it,” he said.

FDIC closes four banks. Annual total: 84 so far. A window washer is reflected in the window of the office building which used to house a branch office of Firstier Bank in southeast Denver, last month. The downturn in real estate and high unemployment has caused the FDIC to close Firstier and 83 other banks so far this year.

A nice video below to explain money creation & the reason we are experiencing this "credit crunch." It starts around the 2 minute mark & the following parts are auto-played without having to hunt for the next video link. The video has been made for a foreign T.V. channel, so the speaker talks slower for the translators. This is how "they" control governments, businesses and the general population, by creating enormous debt. Vital to this has been to allow bankers to lend money they do not have. It works like this. If you or me have a million pounds, we can lend a million pounds. Very simple. But if a bank has a million pounds it can lend ten times that and more, and charge interest on it. If even a fraction of the people who theoretically have 'money' deposited in the banks went today to remove it, the banks would slam the doors in half an hour because they do not have it. Money in the bank is a myth, just a confidence trick.

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