Thursday 8 September 2011

Window Cleaning Business Coach Book Offer Last Chance Extension

Kevin Dubrosky is sailing out of the window cleaning world & moving on to wider pastures. Kevin's " $600/hr" Official Hardcover Edition till midnight tonight - Get book now! Kevin can be contacted at for more information on how he can help you as a private client. Or alternatively at his website here. I had to twist Kevins arm to do this, so I hope you appreciate the extension that you are given! Click picture above to buy the book - the last chance you will get.

Since Kevin leapt on to the window cleaning scene, he has changed the face of window cleaning businesses around the world. If you don't believe me, just read the credits at the end from window cleaners who have been touched by Kevin's golden touch. He has truly changed how window cleaners have dealt with their marketing efforts & made them wealthier through his insight. He will be missed at WCR where the post was taken from. We wish Kevin the best as he moves forward advising other companies how to make money!

Kevin Dubrosky says goodbye:

Hey there, It's with sadness and excitement that I say my last piece here in the window cleaning community. These past four years have been an amazing learning experience for me, and it's been a privilege and pleasure to meet you and get to know you, as a fellow member of the window cleaning & WCR community. I'm more convinced than ever that WCR is an essential resource for the serious window cleaning professional, and the fact that you're here shows that you understand that.

In this final thread, let me answer two questions:

Why am I leaving WCR & the window cleaning community in general?
After much careful thought, I've decided to move on in my professional marketing career, and expand beyond the squeegeesphere. WCR has been amazing, I've enjoyed all of it, and I'm leaving on a high note. Chris and Alex are amazing, and they will never let you down. I'm still very much in the window cleaning game, with my brand-new company Swiss & Sennhauser. We're already in 4 international markets (Beverly Hills, San Diego, Toronto, and Coffs Harbour, AUS), with plans to be in 6 more cities by the end of 2011. As you can imagine, this is big bite to chew on for me, so it requires a large portion of my time and attention.

Much more significantly, though, I'm moving into other industry's with my marketing consultancy business, and now work with companies far removed from the window cleaning world. As you know, marketing is marketing. Whether you're selling exotic sports cars, diamond earrings, 38th floor penthouses, or clean windows, it's all the same. Everything I've learned (and shared with you), can be applied to any industry out there, bar none. And my brief experiment in reaching beyond the window cleaning world has proven to me that the payoffs are significantly higher. Since I encourage you to constantly look for ways to earn more and work less, it would be hypocritical of me not to move forward and seize these opportunities.
So I am.

What's the best advice I can give you?
Understand that you are in the marketing business, not the window cleaning business. Homeowners and business owners in your target market are looking for solutions to their problems. They're looking for vendors (you) that truly understand what drives them nuts, and they're willing to pay you good money to fix it.
What's driving your target market nuts right now?

a.) Find the answer to that question.
b.) Figure out how to deliver the solution better than anyone else.

Only then should you shout it from the rooftops. Never, never, never spend a dime telling a boring story. Don't spend another red cent on postcards, web design, business cards, fliers, estimates, or even invoices, until you can figure out how your company is different in the solution you're proposing. Consumers are incredibly sensitive and grateful to companies that work hard to differentiate themselves from the rest of the stack. People say they love apples to apples, but the truth is, we like oranges, too, and plums, and pomegranates. Stop trying to out-apple your competition, and change the game, instead.

That's pretty much it.

I am still advising private clients from the window cleaning industry, and if you'd like to know more about how I can help you, then please feel free to contact me at, and I'll be happy to give you some options.

Swiss & Sennhauser: As it stands right now, new markets are going to be made available as of October 1st or possibly Nov 1st, so send me an email if you'd like to be considered for one of these spots, and we can talk about it.

Thanks again for your support, encouragement, and good wishes these past four years! I wish you the best with your window cleaning business, and if we cross paths in real life sometime in the future, please stop me to say hello. Maybe we can grab a cup of coffee together.


P.S. As a heads-up, my 255-page hardcover book "$600/hr - The Ultimate Window Cleaning Marketing Guide" is officially coming off the market tomorrow, September 8th, 2011, at 12:01pm (one minute after lunch). If you've been meaning to grab a copy, then do it today. After 12:01 tomorrow, it will be too late. Gone forever. EXTENDED till midnight tonight!!!

Here's a link to grab your copy: $600/hr - Official Hardcover Edition by Kevin Dubrosky in Business & Economics (And use coupon code "SEPTEMBER" to save 20%, too)

Just some of Kevin's reading material!
What people are saying (in the last few days) -

Kevin you were at the right time and the right place for me a few years back. I have appreciated your help and personal help with some of the stuff I was working on. What I most appreciated about your marketing expertise was seeing what we're all reading in real world application for a window cleaning business, not just broad theory and principle, a real first for sure. Your natural born talent combined with your learned talent will take you far in reaching your personal goals my friend.

This does not change my man-crush on Kevin.

I'd say good luck to you, Kevin, but I don't think it's necessary. With your determination and knowledge, I'm sure some exciting doors will open to you. Getting to know you has been my pleasure.

Good luck Kevin and I appreciate the time you have spent with me personally. You have taught me how to work less and earn more. Bravo...

Best of luck to you. I just purchased your book. I look foward to reading it and learning from it. Again best of luck to you. 

As always many thanks Kevin. Your many post's, and both books always made me think, (and with my block head, that's saying something).

You were more of an inspiration than you know. I enjoyed your book very much. Good luck with your new endeavors. You will be missed around here.

Awesome what you did in the industry. 

Is this ultimate example of what you encourage? Intense, thoughtful, targeted marketing leading to an exclusive brand (you), creating a need. With absolutely no sarcasm, its very smart, and its exactly what you encourage WC companies to do. Lead by example. Wish you the best.

Thank you for all your help. Though I don't think we got to visit one on one, you have really helped ones we both know. And you have been a positive influence with your posts.

Kevin, you've helped us a lot and definitely redirected my thinking more than once. You deserve to plot your future in the most feasible way to do what you encourage- "More income, less work". I'm happy to have met you in person twice and if we don't cross paths soon, I trust we will further down the road.
Thank you.

You will be missed for sure, it was a pleasure having you speak at national cleaning expo 2010.

Thanks, Kev. You've helped me out big time in this WC world.

Hey Kevin, sorry to see you leave WCR but I'm excited to see where your taking us next! You keep teaching marketing, and I'll keep learning from you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great article, I really appreciate your thought process and having it explained properly, thank you! I really like this post.
